Speed-running Blackrock Depths Level 50-70 (Druid Warcraft)

Blackrock Depths Guide


Blackrock Depths is to this day the biggest instance you can find

in Azeroth, it is a huge zone, and this guide will help you to find

your way in it. This zone has also the biggest amount of quests ever

seen in an instance. We try to keep everything to the minimum in the


We highly recommend you read the quest gathering

section carefully before anything, because many quests are

linked to each other, many have pre-requisites, some start outside

the instanced area even. Be aware that BRD (BlackRock Depths), has

been designed for a solid 5-man group, and that it also has been

designed to clear the instances a few times before you get to

complete every quest (especially the most rewarding ones). You can be

sure you will at the very least do 3 BRD runs before you have all the

quests done. Anyways, when you will be feeling at home with this

place, you will realize it is a goldmine, and you will probably want

to go back to it a few more times. (You will have to one day or

another anyways, because the portal to Molten Core is there.)

Gathering the quests:

�?gt; There is a great map here that you will definitely need.%26lt;�?

Horde %26amp; Alliance:

NOTE (Important): The quests marked in Orange

are the ones you must have up (or already completed) before you enter

the instance for the first time. Try doing the Disharmony of

(Horde) / Overmaster

(Alliance) quest as soon

as possible, so you can get access to all the Orange quests listed.

If there is still a quest you can't access, don't worry, come back

later after your first BRD run and check again, it should get

unlocked at some point.

  1. [60] Attunement to the Core

    , given by Lothos Riftwaker, an elf

    outside the instance. You need to do this quest to be able to

    teleport easily into The Molten Core by jumping out of the window

    next to Lothos Riftwaker. A must do for when you are level 60.

  2. [52]Dark Iron Legacy (Elite)

    , given by Franclorn Forgewright, outside the instance (see

    map). Franclorn is a ghost, so in order to talk to him, you must be

    in ghost form (die pls!). It's important that you get the quest from

    him before entering the instance, because it's the only way to get

    the Shadowforge key, which unlocks the doors to the

    interesting areas of BRD. Don't bother with any quest not marked in

    orange for now, and follow this guide blindly.

  3. [53]Ribbly Screwspigot (Elite)

    , given by Yuka Screwspigot in Flame Crest, Burning

    Pre-req for this quest is to complete the quest Yuka

    , given by Yorba Screwspigot in Tanaris.

  4. [54]The Love Potion (Elite), given by Mistress

    inside BRD, at the Grim Guzzler Tavern.

    This quest requires you to gather different components in different

    places of Azeroth. Completing it is worth it, besides the item

    reward, Mistress Nagmara has another function. When you have

    completed the Love Potion quest, on your next runs to BRD, she will

    open the backdoor of the Tavern for you if you talk to her. That way

    you won't need to kill Phalanx everytime you go through the Grim


  5. [58]The Heart of the Mountain

    , given by Maxwort Uberglint, at the

    Flame Crest, Burning Steppes. This quest's objective is to

    open every coffer in the BRD Vault. For that you need your group to

    have gathered 12 Vault Coffer Keys. They can drop from any

    Iron Dwarf in BRD.

  6. [58]A Taste of Flame (Elite)

    , given by Cyrus Therepentous. Objective is to kill

    Bael'Gar in BRD (see map) and to capture his fiery

    with the help of an Altered Black Dragonflight

    . How to get the Dragonflight Molt:

    A long series of quests starting with Kalaran Windblade, in Searing Gorge, you

    can find him North of the area called 'The Cauldron' (loc 39,39). He

    will have you do a bunch of quests, starting with [48] The

    Flawless Flame
    , until you get to the point where you get the

    Torth of Retribution, and then he will send you to Squire

    . Squire Maltrake will give you the quest [52]Set

    Them Ablaze!
    , you will have to use the Torch on the braziers

    in each of the 4 towers. After you finish the quest, Kalaran will

    turn into a dragon (not an aggressive one, don't worry) and talk to

    you, and a chest will appear on the ground. Opening it gives you a

    quest, complete it and you will get a box. Inside this box is the

    Black Dragonflight Molt. Now that you have the Black

    Dragonflight Molt, go talk to Cyrus Therepentous, he is in the

    Eastern part of Burning Steppes, in a cave (loc 39,39).


  1. [52]Disharmony

    of Flame (Elite)
    , given by Thunderheart, in

    Kargath Outpost, Badlands. Objective of this quest is to kill

    Overmaster Pyron, who can be found outside of the BRD instance, he

    roams around the bridge leading you to the instance portal.

  2. [56]Disharmony of Fire (Elite),

    given by Thunderheart as well. This quest is the follow up of

    Disharmony of Flame.

    Objective is to kill Lord Incendius (details

    about this can be found in the walkthrough) and to loot a tablet

    from him.

  3. [52]KILL ON SIGHT: Dark Iron

    Dwarves (Elite)
    , given by the WANTED poster

    in Kargath, Badlands. Anvilrage Footmen, Warden and Guardsmen

    can be found in the first areas of BRD, you can hardly miss them.

    This quest leads to the following:

  4. [54]KILL ON SIGHT: High Ranking Dark Iron Officials

    , given by the same WANTED poster after you

    completed the previous quest. You can find those Dark Iron Officials

    mostly on the Dark Iron Highroad (close to Bael'Gar, check

    map). When you have both KILL ON SIGHT quests done, a new

    quest will unlock:

  5. [58]Grark Lorkrub (Elite), given by Lexlort

    in Kargath, Badlands. This quest will send you to Burning

    , you can find Grark Lorkrub inside the Blackrock

    Orc fortress
    , east of blackrock moutain. Finishing this

    quest unlocks a last one:

  6. [58]Operation: Death to Angerforge (Elite),

    given by Warlord Goretooth in Kargath, Badlands. (See

    above for pre-requisites). Will describe later on how to get to

    General Angerforge and how to kill him.

  7. [52]Commander Gor'Shak (Elite)

    , given by Galamav the Marksman in Kargath,

    (he is on top of the Guard Tower). If you don't get

    this quest, then try doing Disharmony of Flame to

    unlock it. After you complete the Commander Gor'Shak script

    sucessfully (Commander survives), go talk to Kharan Mighthammer. He

    is in the opposite jail. Listen to his story and then you will be

    sent to Thrall.

  8. [59]The Royal Rescue (Elite), given by Thrall

    in Orgrimmar, the pre-req for this quest is to complete the

    Commander Gor'Shak quest. The objective is to Kill

    Emperor Dagran Thaurissan and to rescue Princess Moira

    . (Will be described later)

  9. [55]Lost Thunderbrew Reciepe

    , given by Vivian Lagrave in Kargath,

    . Will describe how to get that reciepe later in the


  10. [55]The Last Element (Elite),

    given by Shadowmage Vivian Lagrave in Kargath, Badlands.

    Pre-req for this quest is to complete Disharmony of Flame.

    Objective is to gather 10x Essence of the Elements, which can be

    dropped by Golems and Elementals inside BRD.

  11. [58]The Rise of the Machines

    ,given by Lotwil Veriatus, East of Kargath,

    . Pre-requisite for that quest is to complete [54]The

    Rise of the Machines
    , given by Hierophant Theodora

    in Kargath, Badlands. The pre-req quest can be

    done solo at lvl 54+.


  1. [52]Overmaster Pyron (Elite),

    given by Jalinda Sprig, at the Alliance outpost in Burning

    . Overmaster Pyron is a Fire Elemental, you can find him

    right before the intance portal to BRD.

  2. [56]Incendius! (Elite),

    given by Jalinda Sprig as well. This quest is the follow up

    of [52]Overmaster Pyron.

  3. [55]Hurley Blackbreath (Elite),

    given by Ragnar Thunderbrew at the Tavern in Kharanos, Dun


  4. [56]The Good Stuff (Elite),

    given by Oralius, at the Alliance outpost, Burning

    . Any humanoid type inside BRD can drop Dark Iron Fanny

    pack. You will complete this quest on your way through the instance.

  5. [54]Marshal Windsor (Elite)

    , given by Marshal Maxwell, at the Alliance Outpost,

    Burning Steppes
    . Objective is to find Marshal Windsor in BRD.

    (see map)

  6. [54]Abandoned Hope (Elite), given by Marshal

    Windsor in BRD as a follow-up from previous quest.

  7. [58]A crumpled up note (Elite), found on any

    mob in BRD. Right-Clicking the note starts the quest, which

    requires you to go and talk to Marshal Windsor again. The note only

    starts to drop AFTER you've turned in [54]Abandoned

    Hope (Elite)
    at Marshall Maxwell in Morgan's Vigil.

  8. [58]A shred of Hope (Elite), given by Marshal

    after bringing the Crumpled up note to him.

    Objectives of that quest is to gather the marshal's lost

    information. For that you have to kill General Anvilrage and

    Golem Lord Argelmach (details about this in the walkthrough).

    After you complete this quest and turn it in at Marshal Windsor, he

    will give you the follow up below:

  9. [58] Jail Break! (Elite) This is the dreaded

    escort quest, you will have to escort Marshal Windsor out of BRD.

    And you MUST do it, it's a very important quest as it's your onyxia

    key quest line. Details about this will be given in the guide at the

    proper moment.

  10. [59]Kharan Mighthammer (Elite),

    given by King Magni Bronzebeard himself, in Ironforge.

    Kharan Mighthammer is in one of the jails in BRD. (see map) The

    pre-req for this quest is to complete [54]The Smoldering Ruins

    of Thaurissan
    given by Royal Historian Archesonus, in

    Ironforge. That quest is easy to complete solo, go to the

    Ruins of Thaurissan in the Burning Steppes and look around for

    little stones and click them.

    After finishing the previous quest (talking to Kharan

    ), he will give you the quest The Bearer of bad

    ,go back to King Magni Bronzebeard who will give

    you the follow-up quest:

  11. [59]The Fate of the Kingdom (Elite), objectives

    are to kill Emperor Thaurissan while letting Princess

    Moira Bronzebeard
    alive (even though she will be beating on your

    group). Details about this later in the walkthrough.


The entrance to the Blackrock Mountain can be accessed

either from Searing Gorge or Burning Steppes. It

doesn't matter what side you come from. You will appear in a large

cave, with a floating rock over the lava pit, bound by huge iron

chains to the inner walls of the moutain. This area appears on the

map, this is where Franclorn Forgewright is marked. You aren't

in the Instance part yet, but the guide will start here�?

We're assuming you followed our directions so far and have all the

Orange quests up (or completed). Starting from that, let's move to

the first step:

Group composition:

Note: We strongly recommend NOT going there

unless your group average is 55+ at least.

  1. 1. Healer:

    Priest or Restauration-heavy Druid

  2. 2. Tank:

    Warrior or Prot spec Paladin

  3. 3. Mage

    or Warlock:
    TRY to get a mage (with Improved Arcane

    Explosion talent), you can still do the instance without a mage, but

    your life is gonna be much easier if you got one with you. Not only

    for the usual benefit of having a mage (Polymorph and DPS), but more

    because when you will get to the Lyceum you will need

    to use AEs (Area Effect attacks) a lot.

    If you don't get a mage, try hard to get a warlock. Hellfire is a nice replacement for Arcane

    Explosion. But also, Warlocks are really great to have in BRD.

    Because they can banish elementals, and you will see how hard those

    elemental pulls are. Having Both Mage and Warlock is great as


  4. 4.

    Backup healer, tank and buffer such as Shaman

    or Paladin is very nice to have.

  5. 5. DPS: A Rogue is the

    primary choice here, improved sap helps a lot and their DPS is most

    welcome. Can also go with a Hunter which is really nice dps

    plus some offtanking power.

    PS: This was just a

    list of classes that make your life easier in BRD, it's basically

    your 'ideal' group setup for this zone. BUT you can still (if

    playing with skill) clear BRD with weird group compositions, it will

    just be harder.

1. The Jail Area:

If you don't have a rogue with a high enough Lockpicking skill,

you will have to hunt for the Prison Cell key. It's dropped by High

Interrogator Gerstahn, 50% drop rate. You can find Gerstahn in the

middle of the jail area. Once that is done, you can open the cells

and talk to NPCs trapped in there.

Alliance: Go talk to Kharan

and Marshal Windsor. (Both marked on the map)

You will normally get the follow-up quests: [54]Abandoned Hope

and The Bearer of Bad News. Don't forget to turn those

quests in before your next BRD run. Or, if your group is ok with it,

warp to Ironforge, turn in The Bearer of Bad News and

get the follow up, then fly to Morgan's Vigil and turn in

[54]Abandoned Hope, get the follow up, also turn in

[52]Overmaster Pyron (Elite)

and get the follow up [56]Incendius!


Go back to BRD, kill mobs until a

%26amp;quot;Crumpled Note%26amp;quot; drops, right click it to get the

quest [58] A Crumpled Up Note,

go to Marshal Windsor and turn in it, get the follow up A Shred

of Hope

Horde: Go to Commander

, and clear the camps of mobs around his cell before

talking to him. When you will talk to Commander Gor'Shak and

activate the rescue quest, a huge bunch of mobs will storm the cell

and try to kill Gor'Shak. You must protect him at all cost. This

fight is surprisingly one of the hardest to accomplish in the zone,

there is a lot of Elite mobs in the pack, you are fighting them in a

very small area, so targeting is a bitch, and on top of that,

Commander Gor'Shak doesn't have much Hit points.


Warrior, spam that Demorilizing Shout and then try to build solid

aggro on everything. (having Thorns or Warlock Imp DS


Everybody else, assist on the same target, take them

down one by one and fast. Watch the Health of Gor'Shak permanently

and try to see if something is hitting him (use %26amp;quot; V %26amp;quot;

Targets). If it's the case, try to draw aggro from that mob, even if

you aren't a tank type. If you fail, you have two choices, either you

reset the instance and try it again right now (you are still close to

the entrance), either you decide to try your luck on your next BRD


If you suceed, congratulations, go talk to Kharan Mighthammer in

the opposite cell, listen to his story, and then you can get the

follow-up quest from Thrall ([59]The Royal Rescue),

after turning that quest in Kargath. Don't forget to do it before

your next BRD run.

2. The Ring of Law

Get out of the jail area, head to the next tunnel to the east, and

enter the Arena where you will have to defeat the Ring of Law (Check

map). The ring of Law is a script, it is started when someone steps

on the circle in the middle of the arena.

After about 20 seconds,

waves of mobs will start to attack you.

There is 3 waves, which consist of a few Elite mobs for the first

two, and a Boss mob for the last wave.

The mobs you will have to

face are randomly generated from a set list. As far as we can tell,

we fought 5 different type mobs / bosses in this script.

The boss mobs have a chance to drop decent blue items. But the main reason why

you are doing this script, is that it's the only way for you to

access the Shadowforge city and to get your key done, and it also

puts every arena spectator in non-agressive mode, which is handy

because you will have to cross the upper part of the arena.

Once you have completed sucessfully the Ring of Law script, the

gates on each side will open, the one that interest you is the West

gate, take it and go up a small corridor, you will end up in a room

which we will named the "Shadowforge Lock" room, you will see later

why. After clearing a few mobs in this room, take a Hairpin turn on

the right, and up the stairs. You will then be on the Upper part of

the arena, where the spectators are. Go all around it to the opposite

side, then start clearing your way North, toward the Vault room area,

through the Domicile. Pulls can be tricky here, so pull with caution.

Once you reach the Vault room, skip it, you most likely don't have 12

Vault coffer keys yet, so no need to bother with that room for now.

Keep going forward and go down the slopes toward Fineous

, the Architect. Pull the golems carefully until you

can get Fineous Darkvire solo. (he roams up the slopes at some point,

just wait until he does). After you kill Fineous, look the hammer

from him, Ironfel. Now go

back the way you came from until you reach the entrance of the arena,

but this time go further south, to the Shrine of Franclorn

Forgewright, and get your Shadowforge Key done.


(Horde) we would now recommend

that you finish your first KILL ON SIGHT quest and then go turn it in

and get the follow up KILL ON SIGHT quest from Kargath. Because on

the way to bael gar you will find all the Dwarves you need to kill to

finish this quest.

3. Bael'Gar

Use the map to find your way to Bael'Gar, you can easily access

him now that you have the Shadowforge Key. He is a LVL 57 Elite

magma-giant looking monster, is pretty straight forward battle, he

hits hard and has a lot of HP, every once in a while he summons a

mini bael'gar and does a 1500DMG area effect attack at the sawe time.

So when you see him starting to summon, go out of range (unless you

are the warrior). The adds he summons can be killed very quickly,

they have low hit points.

When you take him down, don't forget to

use the Altered Black Dragonflight Molt on his corpse to get

the Encased Fiery essence. [58]A Taste of Flame


4. Lord Incendius

Follow the Dark Iron highway east until you reach the lair of Lord

. Lord Incendius is an easy fight, he is a level 56

Elite fire elemental boss, hits reasonably hard, nothing too hard

about him. Kill him and don't forget to loot the Tablet of Kurniya

from his remains. Congratulations, you just finished [56]

Disharmony of Fire (Horde) / Incendius! (Alliance)

5. General Angerforge

To get access to General Angerforge, you must first go to the

"Shadowforge Lock" Room, it is now easily accessable to you because

you have the key, and the door to this room is actually quite close

to the entrance.

Up the stairs and on the left is a little passage

toward General Angerforge, but you can't access it yet because you

need to unlock a gate. To unlock it you need to click a giant


This huge lock is located downstairs in the room, and it requires

the Shadowforge Key to be activated.

Now that you unlocked the gate to shadowforge city, go upstairs

and take the little passage toward General Angerforge.

General Angerforge is your first 'real' fight in BRD. So

prepare it well and clear everything in his room before you engage

him. Getting adds while fighting him would probably mean total


How to: The General has 4 guards, but they are non

elite and have about 1000 Hit points. They die extremely fast, so

take them out while your Warrior tanks the general. The General

himself has a lot of HP and hits reasonably hard, but the real

difficulty in this fight is that when he gets low on health, he will

call for help. About a dozen of dwarves will come to his aid, don't

panic though, most of them are the wuss type (1000 HP). Finish the

General as fast as possible first, then use your AE attacks to kill

the weak mobs quickly. Some of them are Elite AND Healer types

though, make sure your tank taunts those well. Once the 1K HP adds

are dead, stop AEing, just Assist each other on the same targets, and

interupt their heals.

Congratulations on winning your first big fight in BRD!

Note: (Horde) Try

to complete the WANTED quests as fast as possible and the [58]Grark

Lorkrub (Elite)
quest so you get [58]Operation: Death

to Angerforge (Elite)
. Don't hesitate to go out of your way

and kill the remaining Dwarves you miss to complete the WANTED

quests. If you do it well, you should have the last quest up for your

3rd BRD run. And the quest reward for killing Angerforge is then very


and 7750 XP.

Note: (Alliance)

%26amp;quot;Loot Marshal Windsor's Lost information%26amp;quot;.

6. Golem Lord Angelmach

After killing the General, go back up the stairs and then across

the room down a few stairs. You will enter a large room, full of

little engineers (non elite) and a few Golems (Elites). Pull very

carefully in this room, and don't charge, PULL, way back to somewhere

safe. You need to clear the whole room, because Lord Argelmach will

call for help and the whole golems + little engineers will aggro.

Once you have the whole room clear, prepare for Argelmach, which

is not an easy fight.

How to: Golem Lord Argelmach himself hits fairly hard. He

procs quite often a 500dmg DD. He has good amount of Hit points, and

on top of that, has 2 Golem guards, which both hit quite hard.

It's gonna be hard fight. So prepare beforehand.

The warrior will be focusing on Argelmach himself and one

of the two golems if needed (if lacking offtanks), and make sure to

have solid aggro. The rest of the group will be taking out the adds

one by one. Decide before hand who will be offtanking one of the

adds. A hunter pet, a warlock pet, a druid in bear form, a paladin or

a shaman, you have multiple choices�?You decide who will be

offtanking what before engaging. And you also decide in what

order you will kill the golems.

Stick to the plan, focus, and you should make it.

Note: (Horde)

%26amp;quot;Loot Argelmach's Head%26amp;quot;.



%26amp;quot;Loot Marshal Windsor's Lost information%26amp;quot;.

7. The Grim Guzzler

There is one thing preventing you to reach the next room, the grim

guzzler: 2 pulls of 3 Fire Elementals.

They are maybe harder than many boss fights in BRD, so don't take

them lightly. They hit for 400+ on average, and have some nasty

damage hield. Whoever stands close to them gets damaged.

If you

have a warlock, one can be banished, which is a huge relief. If you

don't, you gonna have one hell of a fun fight.

Basically you have to face 3 of those fire elementals at a time.

Use every ability you have to win. You can't have a warrior tank

all 3 at the same time, he will most likely die too fast, or the

healer will get jumped after the first heal. So have the warrior tank

just one, and kill that one first. About the 2 remaining elementals,

you have several options:

Hunter freeze trap (even if it's only a 20 second duration, it

buys you time, its a big help), sacrifice a hunter or warlock pet on

one of the elementals, it has a high chance to die but it will buy

your group enough time to finish the first elemental. Have a mage

kite one of the elementals around (lots of space in this big room)

while you deal with the others.

You can also use a paladin /

shaman / druid to offtank one of the elementals.

You must try at all cost to take the first elemental down fast,

then the warrior will be free to tank the 2nd one. Also, try to space

those elementals, so you don't get hit by the 3 damage shield auras

they have at the same time.

Set up a plan depending on what classes you have in your group,

and stick to it. It WILL be a hard fight. You have been warned

After those 2 hard pulls are behind you, you can enter the Grim


The grim guzzler is a tavern, full of non agressive mobs,

you can talk to all of them BUT one: Ribbly Screwspigot, as he

becomes agressive if you talk to him, so save that for later.

Get the quest [54]The Love Potion (Elite) from Mistress


Lost Thunderbrew Reciepe:

Move your group to the side room (filled up with kegs), and start

destroying the kegs there. A bunch of elite mobs will come for you,

pretty standard fight, once they are dead, loot them, one of them has

the item you need to complete [55] Lost thunderbrew recipe

(Horde) / [55] Hurley Blackbreath (Alliance)

Stay in this room for the next fight:

Ribbly Screwspigot:

Send your warrior to talk to

Ribbly Screwspigot, he will turn agressive, and so will

his cronies. Have the warrior run then back to the keg room and fight

them there. Loot ribbly's head, congratulations on yet another

completed quest.


Set up your group right next to where

Phalanx stands, up the stairs in the corner. Have one person of your

group (preferably not the warrior or the priest) go talk to the

barkeeper and buy the beer he has (6 should normally be enough).

(Note: He sells alchemy Recipe: Transmute Fire to Earth)

Then look around for Private Rocknot, he will be ASKING for beer.

So give him beer a few times, until he gets into a drunken rage and

starts to mess around in the tavern.

When he does, Phalanx will

become aggressive, acting as a bouncer, and destroy the backdoor of

the Tavern (right next to where your group is positioned). Right

after the door is shattered, engage Phalanx and fight him in the

corner. He is an easy fight, just hits hard. He also just opened the

door to the last areas of Blackrock Depths.

Note: If you have

completed the Love Potion quest, in your further BRD runs you won't

have to activate Phalanx to break the door anymore, you will just

have to talk to Mistress Nagmara and ask her to go get a room with

Private Rocknot. And she will do that, and open the backdoor in the


8. Ambassador Flamelash

Check the map and start working your way to Ambassador

, once you get to him, pull him. He is a DPS fight,

the faster you kill him the better it is. As long as he is alive he

spawns little fire elemental adds, which can become quite dangerous

if they live too long.

If it's getting ugly and your healer is

getting swarmed by adds, don't hesitate to use Challenging shout

or Intimidating shout

9. The Seven Dwarves

Work your way towards the chamber of the Seven.

When your group

is fully buffed and ready, talk to Doom'Rel, he will start the


The script consists of 7 Boss mobs, they will come one by one on a

set timer. So the faster you kill them, the better it is. If you are

too slow in killing one, you will end up having two of them on you at

once, etc.

They are all different classes (Priest, warlock, warrior, rogue,

etc) with all the abilities it implies.

Note: They can be Stunned and Interrupted.

And also Shackled!

If you are quick enough, you will overcome this tough battle, and

the chest of the seven will appear on the floor. (Good items) and the

door to the lyceum will open.

Also, if you are a miner, you can learn Smelt:

Dark Iron
from Gloom'Rel in this room, talk to him

before you start the script. He asks 10 Truesilver Bars, 20 Gold bars

and 2 star rubies just to teach you the skill.

  1. To smelt dark iron ore into dark

    iron bars, you need to get to the Dark iron forge. After the Seven

    Chamber, go down the stairs and take a right, clear a few fire

    elementals and you will find the forge.

  2. To Create dark iron items (such as Dark Iron Pulverizer), you

    need to use the Dark Iron anvil, which is located in the lair of

    Lord Incendius).

Once you are done with this room, move down the stairs toward the

Lyceum, a fun area! Rolling Eyes

Straight ahead will be a big gate, to the Lyceum, to the right

though is a path guarded by two groups of fire elementals, if you

want to complete your quest [60]

Attunement to the Core
, that's where you must go.

Right next to the green instance portal (to the raid instance: The

Molten Core), the core fragment can be obtained from a

stalagmite that is to the left of the entrance. Loot the core

fragment to complete the quest.

10. The Lyceum

Goal: Light up the two braziers in two corner of the

Lyceum. It will open up the door to the Emperor area.

How to: Scattered around the room are Shadowforge Flame

, they have a 75% chance to dorp the Torch you need to

light up a Brazier. So you will have to kill those twice AT LEAST if

you are lucky.

Now the problem is that room is FULL of bunches of mobs (packs of

20 mobs or so). And the second problem is that they are on a 2min or

so respawn timer.

The good news is that they are those weak 1K hp mobs, and die in

about four Arcane Explosions from a mage. Or Hellfire from a warlock.

Now all you have to do is charge those bunches of mobs, AE them

quickly, drink, move on to next bunch, while hugging the wall as much

as possible. Be careful about the patrols, and try to find the Torch

keepers. Once you got a torch, work your way toward a brazier and

light it.

This is where having no mage or no warlock becomes a real pain. It

is NOT impossible, but it is really a lot harder.

Key to win in this area is to be fast, to all move as one, and to

beat the respawn rate.

Once you manage to light both brazier, the door to the Emperor

area will open. Work your way there, congratulations if you manage


11. Magmus

The last guardian before the Emperor stands before you. Magmus

isn't hard once you know the only surprise feature of this battle.

The statues on each side of the corridor actually are Flamethrowing

devices, they activate when you engage Magmus.

So the key to this fight is to position your group at a spot with

no statue on the side. Magmus hits hard and has a lot of HP, but

besides this, he isn't hard.

11. Emperor Dagran


Finally the big boss!

Step 1: Clear the whole room (including the side


Step 2: Engage the Emperor, have your warrior tank

him. The princess will help him, but she doesn't hurt nearly as much

as the emperor. Best would be to have a Voidwalker or a Hunter pet

tank her while the rest of the group deals with the emperor.

Note: If you have the final quest up [59]The

Royal Rescue (Elite) (Horde) / [59]The Fate of the Kingdom (Elite)

, you must NOT kill the princess. If you do the

quest fails. You must kill Emperor Thaurissan and then the princess

will be non-agressive. You can then talk to her and finish the quest.

Emperor Thaurissan has a large loot list, and some of them are

great. On top of that, finishing the princess rescue quest nets you

8000 XP and one of the following rewards:

Note: (Alliance) There

is still one quest we haven't done: [58]

Jail Break! (Elite)
. You actually don't have to do it

during this BRD run, you can come back later and do it. That's what

most people do, they shout %26amp;quot;LFG Jail Break%26amp;quot; in the LFG

channel. People see it as a very difficult quest, but it's actually

quite easy if you do the following before accepting the quest:

  1. Clear the whole Jail area,

    including the cells. Marshal Windsor will go through the whole ring

    to retrieve his gear.

  2. Clear the Ring of Law

If you have the whole path cleared, it will be quite easy, there

will still be a few mobs that spawn to ambush Marshall Windsor, but

nothing too hard.

Now that those preparations are made, go to

Marshall Windsor, have everyone turn in [58]

A Shred of Hope (Elite)
. Once everyone has done that,

one person should start Jail Break! and everyone will get the quest.

Marshall Windsor can't be healed, so just watch out for his health

and taunt things off him asap, that's the only risk. Good luck!

Good Exp and Gold grinding spot (Hacks for World of Warcraft)





1-3 Runecloth [~15%] (2g / stack)
1-3 Netherweave [~30%][ (5g / stack)
Firewing Signets [~40%] (1g each)
Arcane Tomes [~ .5%] (30g each)
Random Greens
Random Grays

I managed to kill 148 in one hour which got me:

2 stacks of netherweave (10g AH)
2 Arcane Tomes (60g AH)
68 Firewing Signets (68G AH)
3 Grays (~4g vendor)
1 green (10g AH)

All that plus the 14g I made in coin loot, I got 166 gold in one hour, along with about 74,000 exp

Bunch of BWH Teleporting Cords (World of Warcraft talent)

Ok I found this somewhere. It is a bunch of BWH Teleporting Cords. BWH pretty much got nerfed on any legal server so I wouldn%26#39;t use it but if your ever play on a private server like I do then they can be useful.

All coordinates are in the format of (Map#, X, Y, Z)

Map# 0 = Azeroth
Map# 1 = Kalimdor
Map# 189 = Scarlet Monestary
Map# 34 = Stockades
Map# 429 = Dire Maul
Map# 90 = Gnomergan
Map# 30 = Blackrock Depth
Map# 109 = Temple of Atal`Hakar
Map# 209 = Zul`Farrak
Map#70 = Uladaman

Emulator Only

GM Island, 1, 16238.291, 16219.044, 9.600

Arathi Highlands

Grindspot Boulderfist, 0, -2867.230, -1908.770, 69.036
Grindspot Witherbark, 0, -3152.203, -1953.388, 97.797
Chest, 0, -3155.892, -1761.141, 30.749
Stormgarden tower, 0, -1498.194, -1776.738, 64.921
Stormgarden, 0, -1841.093, -1599.046, 68.068
Refuge Point, 0, -2548.593, -1268.763, 21.666


-Angor Fortress -Hidden Port- (-3303,-6365,266)
-Apocryphan%26#39;s Rest -Hidden Port- (-2548,-6943,244)
-Blood Elf -Hidden Port- (-3628,-6800,248)
-Camp Boff -Hidden Port- (-3705,-7109,261)
-Camp Kosh (-3741,-6322,253)
-Camp Wurg (-2791,-6889,243)
-Dustbelch Grotto -Hidden Port- (-2342,-7360,309)
-Entrance to Loch Modan -Hidden Port- (-3325,-5950,303)
-Entrance to the Searing Gorge (-2129,-6923,277)
-Explorers League Camp -Hidden Port- (-3458,-6600,289)
-Inconspicuous Point -Hidden Port- (-3425,-6092,277)
-Inconspicuous Point (2) -Hidden Port- (-2888,-6569,268)
-Inconspicuous Point (3) -Hidden Port- (-2254,-6957,245)
-Kargath -Hidden Port- (-2136,-6644,248)
-Lethlor Ravine -Hidden Port- (-3967,-6747,288)
-Lethlor Ravine, North -Hidden Port- (-4133,-6509,267)
-Mirage Flats -Hidden Port- (-2846,-7228,313)
-Pillar of Opal (-3874,-6998,289)
-Questspot (0, -3134.322, -6769.609, 240.452)
-Questspot2 (0, -2724.453, -6635.494, 243.322)
-Theldurin the Lost (-3356,-7167,245)
-Uldaman (-3185,-6092,256)
-Uldaman Back Portal -Hidden Port- (-3767,-6639,265)
-Uldaman Portal -Hidden Port- (-2980,-6093,207)
-Valley of Fangs -Hidden Port- (-3175,-6709,266)

Blackrock Depths

-Duhgal Stormwing (-81,272,-77)
-Mashar Windsor (-230,316,-7Cool
-Portal Entrance (32,457,-70)
-Prison Boss (-169,278,-74)
-Ring of Law (-200,554,-52)
-Tobias Seecher (-289,547,-75)

Blackrock Mountain

-Blackrock Depths Portal (-922,-7181,166)
-Blackrock Spire Portal -Hidden Port- (-1211,-7529,285)
-Entrance (-1132,-7807,215)
-Entrance (2) -Hidden Port- (-1099,-7714,217)

Blackrock Spire

-Bijou -LBRS- (-551,-6,16)
-Halycon -LBRS- (-368,-165,64)
-Highlord Omokk -LBRS- (-298,-56,45)
-Jump Point (Top) -LBRS- (-363,21,50)
-Jump Point (Bottom) -LBRS- (-453,-4,-19)
-Quartermaster (UK)inaccurate -LBRS- (-447,-168,8Cool
-Ogres -LBRS- (-387,-79,47)
-Overlord Wyrmthalak -LBRS- (-532,-22,86)
-Portal Entrance (-228,78,50)
-Shadowhunter Vosh%26#39;gajin -LBRS- (-481,-73,20)
-Skitterweb Tunnels -LBRS- (-536,-109,-4)
-Unknown Room -LBRS- (-365,-23,-31)
-War Master Valoone -LBRS- (-466,-29,-17)
-WMV (2) -LBRS- (-516,-76,-7)


-Auberdine Inn (520,6407,9)
-Mist Veil%26#39;s Lockbox (347,7133,-42)
-Mysterious Red Crystal (-161,6206,80)
-Silver Dawning%26#39;s Lockbox (436,7076,-21)

Deeprun Tram

-Ironforge Portal (10,69,-4)
-Stormwind Portal (2490,68,-4)


Khan Mrhata, 1, 2925.835, -1055.471, 180.711
Khan Jehn, 1, 1218.797, -1928.445, 88.407
Gelkis camp, 1, 2602.355, -1923.849, 64.185
Kolkar Village, 1, 1090.042, -869.782, 88.222
Magram camp, 1, 1065.232, -1746.859, 91.704
Desolace, 1, 1278.285, 150.986, 177.217

Dun Morogh

-Amberstill Ranch -Hidden Port- (-1302,-5471,409)
-Brewnall Village -Hidden Port- (315,-5356,394)
-Chill Breeze Valley -Hidden Port- (85,-5579,487)
-Dwarven Airfield -Hidden Port- (-1628,-4867,504)
-Coldridge Pass, North -Hidden Port- (26,-6029,412)
-Coldridge Pass, South -Hidden Port- (115,-6247,435)
-Coldridge Valley, North -Hidden Port- (325,-6131,400)
-Coldridge Valley, South -Hidden Port- (527,-6515,393)
-Frostmane Hold -Hidden Port- (575,-5580,395)
-Gates of Ironforge -Hidden Port- (-829,-5103,500)
-Gnomeregen -Hidden Port- (571,-5139,420)
-Gnomeregen Back Portal (769,-4859,242)
-Gnomeregen Portal (925,-5163,257)
-Gol%26#39;Bolar Quarry -Hidden Port- (-1615,-5684,383)
-Helm%26#39;s Bed Lake -Hidden Port- (-2006,-5642,391)
-Iceflow Lake -Hidden Port- (35,-5188,380)
-Inconspicuous Point -Hidden Port- (-509,-5179,388)
-Kharanos Inn (-529,-5602,400)
-Misty Pine Refuge -Hidden Port- (-1106,-5359,395)
-North Gate Outpost -Hidden Port- (-2346,-5129,400)
-North Gate Pass (-2196,-5280,425)
-Shimmer Ridge -Hidden Port- (-224,-5052,446)
-South Gate Outpost -Hidden Port- (-2357,-5463,406)
-South Gate Pass (-2249,-5632,425)
-The Cave of Old Icebeard -Hidden Port- (-57,-5614,418)
-The Tundrid Hills -Hidden Port- (-881,-5678,400)


Electrocutioner 3000, 90, 503.856, -551.883, -216.810
Copper Vendor, 90, 194.074, -558.584, -193.731
Crowd Pummeler 9-60, 90, 362.497, -911.837, -272.596
Mekginer Thermaplugg, 90, 735.520, -584.153, -325.310
Dark Iron Ambassador, 90, 533.791, -720.374, -286.926
Viscious Fallout, 90, 93.677, -390.424, -211.332
Entrance (Inside), 90, -3.633, -327.205, -152.847
Entrance (Outside), 0, 924.022, -5163.718, 257.178

Scarlet monestary

Blood Mage, 189, 1417.237, 1814.001, 8.446
Whispering Gardens, 0, -704.018, 2783.188, 129.149
Entrance (Outside), 0, -818.293, 2875.197, 160.333
Inquisitor Fairbanks, 189, 1372.896, 1170.982, 32.820
Inquisitor CMNDR, 189, 1398.669, 1216.303, 30.349
Entrance (inside), 189, 1308.100, 853.679, 18.671
Herod, 189, -428.659, 1987.546, 11.591
Houndmaster, 189, -249.526, 145.634, 19.201
Libary end, 189, -429.805, 128.190, 18.533

Brock Depts

Brock Dpths(Inside), 230, 35.368, 457.969, -69.293
The Lyceum, 230, -418.463, 1382.085, -94.675
Magmus, 230, -628.585, 1376.223, -92.054
EmperorPrincess, 230, -847.297, 1376.701, -87.722
Summoner`s Tomb, 230, -246.025, 1280.132, -77.946
Panzor The Invincibl, 230, -163.151, 1152.102, -74.927
Ambassador Flamelash, 230, -238.075, 1009.606, -61.388
The Grim Guzzler, 230, -180.947, 919.932, -43.704
GeneraL Angerforge, 230, 62.811, 685.756, -59.438
Lord Roccor, 230, -44.363, 510.277, -61.374
Fineous Darkvire, 230, -358.160, 978.753, -67.468
Lord Incendius, 230, -273.386, 894.938, -69.972
Black Vault, 230, -355.414, 805.477, -50.200
Ring Of The Law, 230, -188.924, 596.812, -54.154
Kharan Mighthammer, 230, -137.959, 340.518, -64.949
Brock Dpths(Outside), 0, -923.004, -7178.675, 166.302

Temple of Atal`Hakar
Morphaz, 109, 90.635, -661.257, -90.834
Shade Of Eranikus, 109, -21.779, -657.988, -90.835
Prophet / Wretchet, 109, -85.430, -428.187, -86.906
Avatar Of Hakkar, 109, 276.560, -466.501, -90.476
Weaver and Dreamscyt, 109, 92.861, -459.491, -94.872
Altar Of Hakkar, 109, 94.698, -420.763, -172.531
Entrance (Outside), 0, -3995.147, -10175.121, -112.746
Entrance (Inside), 109, 100.056, -312.912, -131.849

Entrance (Inside), 209, 842.587, 1212.350, 8.944
Ruuzlu, 209, 1011.468, 1738.950, 53.827
Sergent Bly, 209, 1292.501, 1885.443, 46.084
Witch Doctor, 209, 1016.352, 1912.420, 11.516
Antu`sul, 209, 686.168, 1811.088, 14.724
Theka the martyr, 209, 869.836, 1802.619, 9.902
Zerillis, 209, 902.561, 1663.347, 9.304
Entrance (Outside), 1, -2891.472, -6797.509, 8.880


Galgann, 70, 426.524, -2.346, -41.869
Annora, 70, 210.113, -163.628, -49.726
Ancient Stone Keeper, 70, 216.963, -38.406, -48.385
Baelog, 70, 73.380, -340.129, -51.241
Entrance (Inside), 70, 381.612, -214.047, -38.850
Remains, 70, 171.244, -172.786, -47.412
Revolsh, 70, 187.121, -229.532, -44.630
Ironaya, 70, 313.829, -231.463, -47.598
Grimlok, 70, 440.409, 77.685, -36.621
Obsidian Sentinel, 70, 390.440, -166.929, -36.441
Vault, 70, 292.001, 132.114, -52.205
Entrance (Outside), 0, -3764.585, -6625.368, 266.009


Overlook cliffs, 0, -4666.000, 290.581, 110.880


Main, 0, -1192.703, -4822.291, 502.469
-Auction House (-905,-4962,504)
-Bank (-994,-4881,504)
-Deeprun Tram Portal (-1318,-4839,502)
-Gryphon (-1155,-4822,502)
-Hall of Explorers -Hidden Port- (-1168,-4656,504)
-Hall of Mysteries (-913,-4611,501)
-Inn (-860,-4840,502)
-Military Ward (-1202,-5025,502)
-Old Ironforge -Hidden Port- (-1035,-4816,439)
-Path to Old Ironforge -Hidden Port- (-1070,-4844,500)
-The Forlorn Cavern -Hidden Port- (-1132,-4636,501)

Loch Modan

-Algaz Station -Hidden Port- (-2605,-4866,349)
-Cave (-4208,-5435,392)
-Dun Algaz (-2699,-4687,319)
-Entrance to Badlands -Hidden Port- (-3325,-5950,303)
-Entrance to the Searing Gorge -Hidden Port- (-2452,-6047,328)
-Grizzlepaw Ridge -Hidden Port- (-3157,-5823,346)
-Gryphon (-2930,-5422,247)
-Inconspicuous Point -Hidden Port- (-4187,-5269,360)
-Inconspicuous Point (2) -Hidden Port- (-3017,-5048,325)
-Inconspicuous Point (3) -Hidden Port- (-2745,-5738,367)
-Inn (-2972,-5379,323)
-Ironband%26#39;s Excavation Site -Hidden Port- (-3736,-5875,356)
-Mo%26#39;grosh Stronghold -Hidden Port- (-3733,-4874,310)
-Mo%26#39;grosh Stronghold (2) -Hidden Port- (-4027,-4925,302)
-North Gate Pass -Hidden Port- (-2544,-4772,355)
-Silver Stream Mine (-2971,-4827,320)
-South Gate Pass -Hidden Port- (-2567,-5618,391)
-Stonewrought Dam -Hidden Port- (-3174,-4699,311)
-The Farstrider Lodge -Hidden Port- (-4255,-5683,396)
-The Loch (-3401,-5358,296)
-The Loch, Northern Island -Hidden Port- (-3320,-4923,306)
-The Loch, South Eastern Shore (-3723,-5374,296)
-Tunnel Rat Hideout -Hidden Port- (-2595,-5037,343)
-Valley of Kings -Hidden Port- (-2745,-5738,367)

Menethil Harbor

Menethil Harbor, 0, -821.268, -3831.835, 9.955


Ogrimarr, 1, -4374.619, 1340.792, 26.188

Scarlet monestary

Scarlet monestary, 0, -703.132, 2860.440, 141.521
Herod, 189, -409.298, 1968.786, 11.591
Libary end, 189, -429.805, 128.190, 18.533
Libary Houndmaster, 189, -249.563, 145.607, 19.201


Kam Deepfury [Stockades], 34, -75.001, 127.263, -34.616
Bazil Thredd [Stockades], (34, -142.285, 77.233, -33.940
Stockades entrance, 0, 846.958, -8763.378, 97.634
Druid trainer, 0, 1097.110, -8775.714, 92.539

Stranglethorn Vale

The vile reef, 0, 390.048, -12537.969, 1.695
Skullsplitters, 0, -864.975, -12809.742, 59.785
Booty Bay Gryphon, 0, 475.496, -14485.219, 31.202
Booty Bay, 0, 448.793, -14452.643, 9.098
Hunter camp, 0, -23.646, -11555.944, 1.988
Rebel camp, 0, -175.822, -11327.475, 74.959

Swamp of sorrows

Swamp of sorrows, 0, -2762.415, -10344.209, 22.056


Teldrassil, 1, 1962.595, 9983.458, 1326.185

Theramore isle

Theramore isle, 1, -4518.733, -3853.896, 9.345

Thunder Bluff

Thunder Bluff, 1, 134.936, -1285.511, 131.051


UnderCity, 0, 235.302, 1877.203, 60.676


-Angerfang Encampment -Hidden Port- (-2409,-3541,6Cool
-Black Channel Marsh -Hidden Port- (-1179,-3544,Cool
-Bluegill Marsh -Hidden Port- (-1078,-3206,10)
-Boat to Auberdine -Hidden Port- (-580,-3740,6)
-Boat to Theramore -Hidden Port- (-588,-3860,7)
-Direforge Hill -Hidden Port- (-2973,-2821,40)
-Dragonmaw Gates, 1st Gate (-3603,-3484,70)
-Dragonmaw Gates, 2nd Gate (-3927,-3596,112)
-Dragonmaw Gates, 3rd Gate -Hidden Port- (-3935,-3905,178)
-Dragonmaw Gates, 4th Gate (-3731,-4061,206)
-Dun Algaz, North -Hidden Port- (-2631,-4108,44)
-Dun Algaz, South -Hidden Port- (-2698,-4431,268)
-Dun Modr -Hidden Port- (-2525,-2587,85)
-Graveyard (-2430,-3296,19)
-Grim Batol (-3454,-4068,281)
-Grim Batol Falls -Hidden Port- (-3319,-4212,232)
-Gryphon (-783,-3792,9)
-Inconspicuous Point -Hidden Port- (-1701,-3286,9)
-Inconspicuous Point (2) -Hidden Port- (-3005,-3352,2Cool
-Inn (-832,-3826,10)
-Ironbeard%26#39;s Tomb (-2254,-2798,50)
-Mosshide Fen -Hidden Port (-3184,-3788,61)
-Raptor Ridge -Hidden Port- (-3289,-3266,65)
-Saltspray Glen (-1698,-2653,6)
-Sundown Marsh -Hidden Port- (-1470,-2877,12)
-Thandol Span -Hidden Port- (-2525,-2452,82)
-The Green Belt -Hidden Port- (-2446,-3169,6)
-Thelgen Rock -Hidden Port- (-2589,-3931,45)
-The Lost Fleet (-944,-2990,1)
-Whelgar%26#39;s Excavation Site -Hidden Port- (-1964,-3583,119)


-Archaedas (267,92,-52)
-Back Portal (382,-213,-39)
-Discs of Norgannan (296,155,-52)
-Galgann Firehammer (365,-2,-43)
-Grimlok (459,37,-33)
-Hall of Crafters (251,56,-26)
-Hidden Chamber (316,-234,-47)

Mineral Deposits

Tin1, 0, 1128.437, 380.612, 106.540
Tin2, 0, 680.623, -48.598, 77.131
Tin3, 0, 928.873, -327.070, 130.504
Tin4, 0, 377.624, -254.326, 120.938
Tin5, 0, -637.454, 114.951, 98.336
Tin6, 0, -1253.306, 9.064, 67.594
Tin7, 0, -1111.048, -998.874, 50.178
Tin8, 0, -797.498, -819.739, 27.257

Iron1, 0, -376.522, -250.874, 47.652
Iron2, 0, -497.025, -165.543, 80.879
Iron3, 0, -1770.198, -403.018, 102.457
Iron4, 0, -1200.856, -1387.800, 52.676
Iron5, 0, -1184.906, -1012.624, 67.010
Iron6, 0, -2014.320, -679.541, 58.545
Iron7, 0, -3582.242, -809.205, 81.255
Iron8, 0, -3887.300, -826.726, 147.630
Iron9, 0, -3416.673, -1843.463, 66.697
Iron10, 0, -3307.236, -2026.221, 54.615
Iron11, 0, -2838.364, -2026.543, 77.846
Iron12, 0, -2702.460, -2052.276, 83.492

Mithril1, 0, -1644.563, -1941.710, 48.277
Mithril2, 0, -1786.152, -2174.339, -40.786
Mithril3, 0, -2678.035, -2060.949, 86.595
Mithril4, 0, -2477.438, -6430.927, 331.063
Mithril5, 0, -2221.812, -7165.830, 303.735
Mithril6, 0, -2239.968, -7388.829, 234.581
Mithril7, 0, -2328.451, -7427.174, 240.730
Mithril8, 0, -2455.574, -7312.527, 304.999
Mithril9, 0, -3197.007, -7285.680, 296.152
Mithril10, 0, -3475.085, -7338.730, 331.339
Mithril11, 0, -4063.377, -6443.655, 276.519
Mithril12, 0, -277.346, 894.601, 152.136
Mithril13, 0, -504.296, 717.142, 169.667
Mithril14, 0, -726.155, 654.673, 160.006

Thorium1, 1, -1962.575, -6304.269, -268.692
Thorium2, 1, -1145.929, -6832.899, -262.932
Thorium3, 1, 1116.950, -6300.540, 37.349
Thorium4, 1, 1934.370, -7509.133, 18.743
Thorium5, 1, 1380.150, -8102.226, 10.947
Thorium6, 1, 206.093, -7845.003, 9.950
Thorium7, 1, 1132.890, -8067.264, 21.475

Rich - Eastern Continent
Rich1, 0, -1493.368, -7905.901, 157.049
Rich2, 0, -1141.439, -8410.101, 191.162
Rich3, 0, -1944.531, -7493.369, 197.175
Rich4, 0, -1293.634, -8328.866, 213.340
Rich5, 0, -3693.768, 2767.004, 104.064
Rich6, 0, -4837.816, 3128.018, 151.379
Rich7, 0, -3768.298, 2592.304, 227.826
Rich8, 0, -2749.265, -7987.449, 163.884
Rich9, 0, -2383.501, -7612.536, 138.214
Rich10, 0, -1694.291, -8254.239, 159.177
Rich11, 0, -1035.388, -8101.578, 134.639
Rich12, 0, -2308.980, -7730.445, 134.229
Rich13, 0, -1025.698, -7929.428, 134.588
Rich14, 0, -706.627, -7620.302, 182.683
Rich15, 0, -3568.789, 1649.624, 133.419
Rich16, 0, -5029.502, 3325.120, 193.386


Freewind Post, 1, -2415.737, -5417.191, 89.391
Stonetalon Peak, 1, 1500.616, 2507.829, 263.017
Camp Narache, 1, -258.921, -2958.619, 51.628
BloodHoof Village, 1, -395.457, -2327.041, -8.042
Alcaz Island, 1, -5036.388, -2635.360, 22.805
Backenwall Village, 1, -2854.936, -3124.194, 34.806
Camp Taraujo, 1, -1978.285, -2361.865, 96.705
The Crossroads, 1, -2564.763, -393.874, 96.684
Razor Hill, 1, -4703.350, 306.978, 11.327
Ungoro Crater, 1, -1244.090, -6870.633, -273.186
Dread Isle, 1, 3379.966, -5966.776, 42.526
Ruins of Solarsal, 1, 3698.120, -4603.896, 6.572
Dire Maul, 0, PvP, 1, 1102.483, -3808.950, 131.969
Dark Portal A, 0, -3206.947, -11892.655, -14.737
Gadgetzan,0, Tana, 1, -3626.013, -7118.693, 9.166
EastWall Gate, 0, -4039.090, 3188.491, 107.992
Coldrigve valley, 0, 331.033, -6240.320, 382.758
Burning Steppes, 0, -1592.976, -8076.936, 139.748
Lake Everstill, 0, -2146.927, -9314.865, 49.335
Goldshire, 0, 278.995, -9432.915, 59.318
Moonbrook, 0, 1345.766, -10952.584, 43.416
Jeguero Isle, 0, -299.929, -14595.856, 10.452
PVP RING, 0, 180.894, -13209.627, 54.557
Dandread Fold (*), 0, -428.604, 1160.761, 61.222

As a reminder, you do not need to use these to teleport, you can use BWH%26#39;s coords to run to the locations

Class-Race Pairing Guide (World of Warcraft powerleveling)

Guide for Class - Race Pairing

[1] Races and Classes
[2] Race, Class Strengths
[3] Race Pros and Cons
[4] Best Race/Class to Twink
[5] Fastest Race/Class to Level

[1] Races and Classes


Troll = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Shaman, Hunter 6/9
Blood Elf = Rogue, Priest, Hunter, Mage, Warlock, Paladin 6/9
Orc = Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Hunter, Warlock 5/9
Undead = Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Mage, Rogue 5/9
Tauren = Warrior, Druid, Shaman, Hunter 4/9


Human = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Mage, Warlock, Paladin 6/9
Draeni = Warrior, Hunter, Priest, Mage, Paladin, Shaman 6/9
Night Elf = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Hunter, Druid 5/9
Dwarf = Rogue, Warrior, Priest, Hunter, Paladin 5/9
Gnome = Rogue, Warrior, Mage, Warlock 4/9
[2] Race, Class Strengths

Because of the added Agility and Berserking that the Troll has; Troll is best played as a Melee class. Troll as a warrior provides an excellent Fury/Arms warrior, here s a spec:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4678 PvP/Grinding
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4724 Fury Shield

The Troll as a Rogue is also a great bet, because of Berserking and Agility:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=83 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7345 PvE Build

Also, Troll is an excellent Hunter class; because of the Agility bonus:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3935 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=2075 Pet Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=8639 Raid Build

Blood Elf
The most we can say about Blood Elf, is that since they have AoE silence; they will dominate all life in Azeroth if paired with a Melee class. Here s some specs for Warrior :

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4771 Tanking Build 20man +
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7680 Protection Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5126 Arms/Protection
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4724 Fury Shield

Blood Elfs make good Roges because of their AoE silence and mana tap which adds 10 energy per-use :

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=83 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7410 Combat/Assass Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7345 PvE Build

Since BE is the only Paladin on Horde side; you have no choice:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6141 Healer/Tanking
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6103 Full Support * Priest with Plate *
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3797 Two Handed Monster

We think Orc is the hybrid race; with high stun resist and excellent rage regeneration, Orc plays out for both Melee and Magic, here are some specs for a Shaman:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6359 PvP Build *High stun resist*
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5454 Restoration Build

As an Orc Warrior, players should go with Arms/Protection because of higher starting Strength and stun resist the Orc Warrior is a more efficient one:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4771 Tanking Build 20man +
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7680 Protection Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5126 Arms/Protection

Undead is an excellent Magic class; because of higher starting Intellect than any race in the hordish arsenal can put up, heres specs for Mages:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7234 PvE/Raiding Frost Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5738 PvP Fire/Frost Build

Undead for Warlocks are also extremely potent because of the Will of the Forsaken and higher starting Intellect, any kind of Lock is fine:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5290 Nuke/DOT Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3790 Destro Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=351 Demonology/Affliction Build

It s a shame that we don t see many Tauren Druids around, but we should; Tauren is more of a hybrid class like the Orc, but isn t really geared toward anything particular of its four classes, so like the Tauren we recommend Druid for Tauren as with Warrior. Here s some Druid specs:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3074 Restoration Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6807 Tanking/Resto Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6667 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7328 Moonkin Build

Tauren also rolls old school with a warrior because of high starting strength it s a good pair for a hybrid class, we would recommend a Protection spec with T. Warriors:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7680 Protection Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4771 Tanking Build 20man +

Were to place Humans; they really don t have any strengths, they are the Alliances only hybrid race, so Anything goes for them; casters will find it easier because Alliance can use Perception and they have bonus Spirit, so caster are the way to go, but Melee is ok too.

Draeni - * We haven t hit level 30 yet *
We love this race; spent hours in BC beta playing as these guys and we can safely say go Melee. They are like Orcs for the Alliance, they have an AoE at level 1 that get more powerful every 15 levels, not sure about the final version. Rolling Melee with Draeni is a wise choice or being a Shaman is good too. We may do Draeni stuff as soon as we hit LvL 30 with one.

Night Elf
Since Night Elf has Shadowmeld and Quickness, its best to play a fragile class such as priest or you can roll hybrid with a druid. Night Elf s make OK Rogues, but that will come up later with the Gnomes as recommendation because Night Elf s have less starting Agility than the Gnomes do. Here are some specs for Priests:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7568 Shadow/Disc Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4520 Holy Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=8622 Holy Build 2

If you re planning to roll Druid; NE is the only Alliance race that can:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3074 Restoration Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6807 Tanking/Resto Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6667 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7328 Moonkin Build

Dwarfs are a Melee class; but they have Priests, we say do whatever you want when it comes to Dwarf. With Priests they are the same as others, but dwarf has Stoneform; which means it is resistant to what other race are vulnerable too, plus it increases armor by 10%; great for cloth wearers. Rogues need to concentrate on building Strength before Agility *that come third to Stamina*; because it s good to make advantage of the dwarfs good starting Strength and Stamina. Here s build for Priests:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4520 Holy Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7568 Shadow/Disc Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=8622 Holy Build 2

Dwarf paladins are awesome because of Stone Form and its starting strength :

Full Support * Priest with Plate *
Two Handed Monster

Dwarf Rogues should spec in either Combat/Assassination or PvP builds:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=83 PvP Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7410 Combat/Assass Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5966 Sword/Mace Build

Dwarf Warriors should spec Fury; because they can hit hard with their high strength and score major critical strikes; they can also roll Protection:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4678 PvP/Grinding
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4724 Fury Shield
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7680 Protection Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=4771 Tanking Build 20man +

Gnomes have the highest in starting Agility and Intellect for the Alliance Arsenal; so naturally they should play either a Rogue or Mage, Warlock. As a Rogue they should concentrate more on Agility than Strength, working on AGL then STM then STR. Mages should work on INT and STM and SPRT as with the Warlock. Here s some build for Rogues :

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=83 Dagger Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7345 PvE Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=1423 Sword Build

Gnome mages are great because they have higher starting INT and have Escape Artist:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=7234 PvE/Raiding Frost Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5738 PvP Fire/Frost Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=6289 Arcane Build

For Warlocks it s a good idea for gnomes to run with a Destro build:

http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=5290 Nuke/DOT Build
http://wowvault.ign.com/talentcalculator/ViewTemplate.php?templateid=3790 Destro Build
[3] Race Pros and Cons

Horde Pros

Troll = Berserking, Regeneration, High starting Agility
Blood Elf = Arcane Torrent, Mana Tap, Resist +5
Orc = Blood Fury, Hardiness, High starting Strength
Undead = Will of the Forsaken, Cannibalize, High starting Intellect
Tauren = War Stomp, Endurance, High starting HP

Horde Cons

Troll = Inferior to Undead when it comes to Mana classes
Blood Elf = Another Melee race? Lets hope not
Orc = No real specialty when it comes to classes
Undead = Melee classes suck
Tauren = Only gives HP+ ?

Alliance Pros

Human = Perception, Diplomacy, Human Spirit
Draeni = Everything about them
Night Elf = Shadowmeld, Quickness
Dwarf = Stoneform, High starting Strength and HP
Gnome = Escape Artist, Arcane Resist, Highest starting Agility

Alliance Cons

Human = An overall weak race
Draeni = Lets hope this race isn t to overpowered
Night Elf = Low HP; mostly a Magic Class
Dwarf = Lacks the stats to backup some of its class choices
Gnome = Low HP, and they are small

[4] Best Race/Class to Twink

These are the Race/Class combos that we ve found easiest to Twink with:


Troll = Rogue, Hunter
Blood Elf = Rogue, Paladin
Orc = Rogue, Warrior
Undead = Mage, Warlock
Tauren = Shaman, Druid


Human = Mage, Priest *Shadow*
Draeni = Warrior, Shaman, Mage
Night Elf = Rogue, Priest *Shadow*
Dwarf = Rogue, Warrior, Hunter
Gnome = Rogue
[5] Fastest Race/Class to Level

Here s the record setting class/race combos for leveling to level 60 soon to be 70:


Troll = Hunter
Blood Elf = Not yet recorded, we re guessing it ll be a Rogue
Orc = Warrior
Undead = Warlock and Mage both set in 5 days of play time
Tauren = Shaman


Human = Warlock
Draeni = Not yet recorded, we re guessing it ll be Shaman or Hunter
Night Elf = Shadow Priest
Dwarf = Hunter
Gnome = Rogue

Unlimited Mana for Priests! (World of Warcraft cheats)

This one was pretty beautiful, and fun to experience!

We were doing quests in Terokkar Forest..

The quest was:

The Big Bone Worm (Group) - http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?wquest=10930

This is a questchain, consist of 3 parts.. We were doing the 3rd one(where the big worm pops out/ (LV 67 Warrior, LV 69 Priest and LV 64 Rogue/me..), when our Priest somehow triggered a BUG! His mana-regeneration gone wild! No matter how many Greater Heal did he cast, his mana was full again, by the time his casting was finished. He couldn%26#39;t even cast anything that fast that it would have made his mana under 95%!
We thought we do some instance just the 3 of us to gain crazy XP, but when he entered the instance the BUG became untriggered :((( So if you experience something like this, better not try to get into instance, die, or anything..Just be happy and kill anything you see :))

Im posting this because i hope there is someone out there the with the time, patience, will and energie to investigate and tell us how did it happen..
Was it a one time only BUG? Or is it possible to trigger anytime? If so, it would be an insane fast lv-up tactic or farm tactic for all the lucky Priests out there )

Cant tell much about details, but feel free to ask if any info could be useful.. (what he was wearing etc..)

Good Luck!

Engineering goggles without the skill (World of Warcraft update)

If you have a twink caster you are probably going to stay at that level for quite while. If you level your engineering up to the point where you can wear the best googles you can get, put them on, then drop engineering, the googles will stay on you until you take them off. So you could then pick up a different skill.

1-60 powerleveling guide (World of Warcraft patches)

Level 1-12:
- Newbie Zone :: You may have to leave at level 11.

Level 12-20:
- Westfall [Sentinel Hill, Westfall Lighthouse]
- Loch Modan [Thelsamar, Farstrider%26#39;s Lodge, Stonewrought Dam]
- Darkshore [Auberdine]
- Elite Area: Mo%26#39;grosh mound (Loch Modan)
- Instance: Deadmines

Complete the easiest quests in the first area that you go to (Night Elves should visit Darkshore first, Dwarves/Gnomes should visit Loch Modan first, Humans should visit Westfall first.) Move onto the next zone, and do the same, but this time you can complete more of the zone. Leave the most difficult, unless you can get a group for them - don%26#39;t waste too much time on it, though. Move onto the last zone and complete all, or nearly all of the quests available in that zone. By this time, you should be about level 17-18. Go back to the first zone, and complete the rest of the quests there.

Typically, my %26#39;first zone%26#39; is Westfall, in which case you can go back when you are done with both Loch Modan and Darkshore, and finish the Van Cleef line of quests and be at a good level to run the instance.

Level 20-22:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]

Again, do the easy quests in Redridge, which should take you up to level 21 or 22. Skip the more difficult quests unless you have a group for them. I%26#39;d skip the entire Stonewatch Keep area of quests just simply because that entire area itself is crap.

Level 22-30:
- Redridge Mountains [Lakeshire, Tower of Azora in Elwynn]
- Duskwood [Darkshire, Sven%26#39;s Camp, Abercrombie]
- Wetlands [Menethil Harbor, Greenwarden, N. Loch Modan (The Algaz Gauntlet)]
- Ashenvale [Astranaar ?]
- Stonetalon Mountains [?]
- Elite Area: Dun Modr (Wetlands)
- Instance: The Stockades
- Instance: Shadowfang Keep
- Instance: Blackfathom Deeps
- Happy Loot: Naraxis%26#39; Fang (Duskwood)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Crimson Whelpling (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Dragonmaw Encampment (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [26]: Whelgar%26#39;s Excavation Site (Wetlands)
- Grind Area [28]: Rotting Orchard (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [28]: Raven Hill Cemetary (Duskwood)
- Grind Area [29]: Vul%26#39;Gol Ogre Mound (Duskwood)

Preparation: Purchase Bronze Tube.

Start at either Duskwood or Wetlands. This is where %26#39;quest stacking%26#39; can come in really handy if you want to be efficient. There are many, many quests that send you to the same areas, and if you get all of the quests at once, you can knock all of them out without having to run back and forth. Considering Wetlands and Duskwood are fairly bad for having their towns on one side of the map and the quest mobs/areas on the other side, this saves a lot of time. A lot of these are parts of quest chains, so honestly it%26#39;s hard to know if you don%26#39;t have prior knowledge or do a lot of quest research beforehand - so don%26#39;t worry about it too much, but try to be as efficient as you can. Once you finish one of the two new areas, you should be about level 25 and can go finish the harder parts of Redridge, and then finish the last zone.

Note for Stockades : There are 6 quests you can obtain for this instance. Lakeshire, Darkshire, Wetlands, Van Cleef note continuation (Bazil Thredd), and two from Stormwind.

Level 31-37:
- Stranglethorn Vale [Rebel Camp, Nesingwary%26#39;s Expedition, Booty Bay]
- Hillsbrad Foothills [Southshore]
- Arathi Highlands [Refuge Pointe]
- Desolace [32]
- Thousand Needles [31]
- Instance: Gnomeregan
- Happy Loot: Howling Blade (Skhowl, Alterac Mountains)
- Happy Loot: Toxic Revenger (Gnomeregan)
- Happy Loot: Tiny Emerald Whelpling (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [31]: Kurzen Encampment (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [33]: Stranglethorn Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [33]: Growless Cave (Alterac Mountains)
- Grind Area [34]: Gallow%26#39;s Corner (Crushridge Ogres - Altarac Mountains)
- Grind Area [36]: Venture Co. Base Camp (Lake Nazferiti - Stranglethorn Vale)

Preparation: Purchase all 15 pages of The Green Hills of Stranglethorn, 4 Bloodstone Ore.

Start at Stranglethorn Vale. Quest stacking here is also godly, since you don%26#39;t want to have to run all the way to the northern end of the zone, do one or two quests and turn them back in at Booty Bay. Rebel Camp%26#39;s quests are largely independent of the rest, though, so you can do those first. Then, head to Booty Bay, where you can pick up two main quests for the northern area: Investigate the Camp and the start of the Excelsior chain, both of which takes you to Nesingwary%26#39;s Expedition, where you obtain all of the nice happy quests there.

Hillsbrad is only good starting at about level 33, at which point you can actually *do* all of the quests that you could obtain at level 30%26#8230; Arathi only has one or two quests that you can actually do right now, but it%26#39;s listed anyways.

Kurzen Cave has been fixed, which perhaps means that Jungle Fighters and Headshrinkers have as well, so someone test that out please.

Level 37-43:
- Stranglethorn Vale
- Arathi Mountains [Refuge Pointe, Faldir%26#39;s Cove]
- Badlands [Various camps around the zone]
- Desolace [37]
- Elite Area: Stromgarde
- Elite Area: Mosh%26#39;ogg Mound
- Instance: Scarlet Monastery
- Instance: Uldaman
- Instance: Razorfen Downs
- Happy Loot: Tiny Black Whelpling (Badlands)
- Grind Area [37]: Lashtail Raptors (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [37]: Water Elementals (Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [39]: The spider cave north of Brackenwall (Swamp of Sorrows)
- Grind Area [39]: Rock Elementals (Badlands)
- Grind Area [39]: Elder Crag Coyotes (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Scalding Whelps (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Agmond%26#39;s End (Badlands)
- Grind Area [41]: Ziata%26#39;jai Ruins (Venture Co. Stuff, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grind Area [43]: Naga Explorers (Stranglethorn Vale)

Preparation: Purchase 9 Blue Pearls, 1 Frost Oil, 1 Gyrochronatom, 4 Buzzard Wings, 1 Elixir of Water Breathing.

37 is where you obtain your next batch of quests from Stranglethorn Vale. Arathi Highlands has fairly decent quests in Faldir%26#39;s Cove, or if you%26#39;re feeling group-friendly, knock out the ones in Stromgarde. Badlands has a lot of nice quests, but you have to actually find them. This is where supplementing experience by grinding becomes more efficient at times, and at 42-43 you should be closing the last of your Stranglethorn quests, and be finished with Badlands and Arathi both, as well.

Scarlet Monastery. Black Menace or Sword of Serenity. Nothing more needs to be said - except where to obtain the quest: Desolace.

Level 43-46:
- Feralas [Feathermoon Stronghold]
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- Instance: Zul%26#39;Farrak
- Grind Area [43]: Wastewander Bandits (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [44]: Isle of Dread (Feralas - Inside Cave; South of Feathermoon Stronghold)
- Grind Area [45]: Feral Scar Vale (Feralas)
- Happy Loot: 14slot bag! Cortello%26#39;s Riddle quest, starts in one of the ships in Stranglethorn Vale for the end of the Bloodsail Buccaneers line of quests.

Fairly self explanatory, I guess. Not much going on here, really.

Level 46-50:
- Tanaris [Gadgetzan, Steamwheedle Port]
- The Hinterlands [Aerie Peak]
- Instance: Zul%26#39;Farrak
- Instance: Maraudon [49]
- Instance: Temple of Atal%26#39;Hakkar [50]
- Grind Area [47]: Undead in Western Ashzara (Azshara)
- Grind Area [47]: Dunemaul Compound (Tanaris)
- Grind Area [47]: Elementals/Golems around The Cauldron + N of it (Searing Gorge) - Elemental Leatherworking Supplies

At this point, you more than likely have a bunch of quests saved up for The Hinterlands - including but not limited to, the quest to gather Wildkin Feathers (from Rutheran Village), the quest to obtain a snapshot of Gammerita, the quest to obtain Violet Trajan, the last part of Cortello%26#39;s Riddle, etc. Feel free to knock them all out at once.

Level 50-55:
- Searing Gorge [Kalaran Windblade]
- Blasted Lands
- Un%26#39;Goro Crater [Marshal%26#39;s Refuge]
- Felwood [Emerald Sanctuary]
- Burning Steppes [Morgan%26#39;s Vigil]
- Instance: Temple of Atal%26#39;Hakkar
- Grind Area [50]: Deadwood Village (Felwood)
- Grind Area [51]: Ruins of Eldarath (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Dreadmaul Rock (Firegut Ogres - Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [52]: Legash Encampment, Thalassian Base Camp, Ursolan (Azshara)
- Grind Area [52]: Jaedenar (Felwood)
- Grind Area [52]: Sorrow Hill (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [53]: Ironwood Trees in northern Felwood
- Grind Area [54]: Temple of Arkkoran (Azshara)
- Grind Area [55]: Jadefire Run, Felpaw Village (Felwood)

The quests in Blasted Lands all stack on top of each other. Five in total, one for each stat; they give 4700 experience per turn-in, along with always the chance of obtaining a Draenethyst Sphere for Kumi%26#39;sha the Collector with every mob you kill. Un%26#39;Goro Crater has the biggest collection of quests out of all of these zones.

Level 55-60:
- Winterspring [Everlook, Starfall Village]
- Western Plaguelands [Chillwind Point]
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Instance: Blackrock Depths
- Instance: Blackrock Spire [60]
- Instance: Stratholme [60]
- Instance: Scholomance [60]
- Grind Area [55]: Felstone Field, Dalson%26#39;s Tears, The Writhing Haunt, Gahrron%26#39;s Withering (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Northridge Lumber Camp (Western Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: Corin%26#39;s Crossing (Eastern Plaguelands)
- Grind Area [56]: The Pillar of Ash (Burning Steppes)
- Grind Area [56]: Winterfall Village (Winterspring)
- Grind Area [57]: Blackrock Stronghold (Burning Steppes) [NOTE]
- Grind Area [57]: Ice Thistle Hills (Wintespring) - Rugged Leathers

Notes: Blackrock Stronghold is probably the best place to grind for a rogue; however, you do have to get used to how the roamers work. You%26#39;ll probably die a few times along the way while learning them. Also, this might likely be another area where they%26#39;re increasing the armor on the mobs, but two of the four kinds of orcs that spawn are casters, anyway. Ice Thistle Hills is not the best place to grind for experience, but it%26#39;s probably one of the better places to get a nice quiet grind going and also leave with a few backpacks full of Rugged Leather.

Guide to using Stealth to solo Mother Smolderweb (Warcraft guilds)

There are essentially two parts to soloing Mother Smolderweb%26#8230; getting to her, and killing her. Neither are easy if you don%26#39;t know how, hence this guide 8-), so I%26#39;ll be covering both in fair detail.

Rather than miss out something important, I%26#39;ll be assuming that you%26#39;ve never used Stealth before and need to know everything. Sorry if any of it seems condescending.

I should point out here that I%26#39;m not in an Uber Raiding Guild, I run a small friendly guild, and so this guide should be usable by everyone, even the little folk like me!

I did this with no points in Improved Prowl, although I do have Innervate which saved me a fortune in mana potions 8-) The only other talent points I have which have any real effect is two points in Improved Starfire, as the chance of stunning her and so getting a free shot is nice, but not at all vital, and Nature%26#39;s Swiftness, which can be handy for repositioning her.

Other things that would be helpful to bring along:-

Major Health Potions and Major Mana Potions. While it%26#39;s easy enough to do her without either of these, there%26#39;s nothing like being well prepared to increase your chances. Running out of either HPs or Mana is pretty much a game over situation! If you don%26#39;t have Innervate, then Major Mana Potions are absolutely vital, it%26#39;s possible to do her without Innervating or potioning if you%26#39;re very patient but it%26#39;s much much more risky, and why take the chance of dying when she%26#39;s on 5%? 8-)

Heavy Runecloth Bandages. Again, you don%26#39;t absolutely have to bring these, but they%26#39;ll save you mana, which makes things easier, and First Aid is so easy to max out why not do it? 8-) The reason I say bring Heavy Runecloth rather then the lower ones is for speed, the faster you can heal up the better, as you%26#39;ll see later.

Ok, so you have your supplies, and you%26#39;re all ready to go, so where is she?

She%26#39;s inside Blackrock Spire, an instance inside Blackrock Mountain, which straddles the border between Burning Steppes and Searing Gorge. Blackrock Spire has two halves, Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS) which is where you start when you zone in, and Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS), which is accessed from inside LBRS using a quested key. Luckily she%26#39;s in LBRS, so you don%26#39;t need the key. She%26#39;s about half way through the zone, so it takes a little work to get to her.

If you die (and you most likely will), you appear at the Graveyard at Thorium Point in Searing Gorge. It%26#39;s a simple trip to the South West of the zone to get back.

Once inside Blackrock Mountain, there are no mobs until you get close to the instance entrances, so it%26#39;s safe to move around a bit. There are two instances inside the Mountain, BRS and BRD (Blackrock Depths).

If you travel around the ring in Blackrock Mountain, you will find a meeting stone for Blackrock Spire, and a tunnel leading to it. DO NOT GO IN HERE! It leads past lots of Orcs, and while it%26#39;s possible, even easy, to Stealth past them, there%26#39;s no need, as there%26#39;s a cunning shortcut you can take!

If you go to the northern (and highest) point on the ring inside Blackrock Mountain, there%26#39;s a chain leading down to the floating island in the middle, and a rock ramp on the west side of it allowing you to climb onto it. Go up onto the chain, and then go left and up the chain, and drop off the end onto a shelf. It%26#39;s very dark at this point, so you might need to turn your gamma or brightness up. Follow the shelf round to the right and up, and you%26#39;ll see a balcony ahead of you. There%26#39;s a gap just before the balcony, so you need to jump the last few feet. Once on the balcony, look into the room and you%26#39;ll see the instance entrance to BRS. There%26#39;s also a door to the right, don%26#39;t go through there as there are Elite Orcs.

This would be a good time to cover the basics of Stealth.

Stealth in WoW is quite different to Invisibility in other games such as EQ, in that it%26#39;s not %26#39;Stealth up and nothing will see you%26#39;, but an agro-range reducer. Get close enough to something and it WILL see you and attack. There are also mobs with Detect Stealth, who see you at an even wider radius.

How close you can get to a mob without being seen is determined by how much higher or lower level than you the mob is. For mobs lower than you your agro radius is very small, about the same size you are in fact, so unless you walk right into the mob you%26#39;re usually ok. However, the higher above you the mob is, the further away it%26#39;ll spot you from.

As if that wasn%26#39;t enough, there are actually two agro ranges when Stealthed%26#8230; the %26#39;I seeeeee youuuuu!%26#39; one mentioned above, when the mob just comes along and splats you, and the %26#39;Did you hear something?%26#39; one, where you attract the mob%26#39;s attention, but don%26#39;t actually agro it yet%26#8230; yet being the operative word here! 8-)

If you get close enough to trigger the %26#39;Did you hear something?%26#39; reaction, the mob will turn to face you (and if it%26#39;s a roamer, stop walking and stare at you). While this is very scary when it happens, as long as you don%26#39;t move the mob will eventually shrug it off as the wind or something, and turn back to what it%26#39;s doing, allowing you to carry on.

Those two agro ranges are VERY important here, and I%26#39;ll be referring to them a lot.

Zone into BRS, and you%26#39;re at the bottom of a ramp. This is a safe spot, so once you%26#39;re in you can Stealth up quite safely.

The entrance ramp to BRS
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At this point, you might want to take off all your equipment and stash it in your backpack, as you will most likely die several times getting it right, and most likely a couple of times just through bad luck. You have to be *very* patient for this. If you do get spotted, all the gear in the world won%26#39;t save you, so you might as well save on repair costs 8-)

Head up the ramp, and there%26#39;s a room with various Orcs around the edges. They won%26#39;t react to you at all as long as you stay in the centre of the room, however the one at the end will wander from side to side as it gets chunks of the roast pig and goes back to the table to eat it, so you have to be careful of that one. Also, there%26#39;s a patrol of two that circle the area and cut across the end of this room, again mind them.

First room, with Roamer and Patrol marked.
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Across the room there are ramps leading up at either side, and a big ramp down across the centre. You want to head down the ramp, hugging the right-hand wall. There are two doorways in that wall, you want to take the second one. You will get *very* close to an Orc as you go, but it doesn%26#39;t react, so hug the wall and you%26#39;ll be fine.

Down the ramp, showing the doorway you want to go through
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Once through the doorway, you%26#39;re in a short passage that leads to quite and open area. Two Orcs patrol into this passage, and they both react, so be very careful here.

Passage, showing Orc patrol
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You want to wait %26#39;til the patrol leaves, and then move down the passage and a little to the right. At this point, wait for the patrol to come back, and when they go past you up the passage you just came from, head off down the ramp and through the doorway on your left. This saves you having to hide from the patrol in the tunnel, which is possible but riskier.

Wait point and doorway to passage
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Once into the passage, follow it through and you come out in a large chamber. At this point, turn sharp right and move away from the door so the patrol don%26#39;t spot you when they come back.

This is the view you%26#39;ll see after turning right in the chamber.
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You can safely ignore the Ogres, they%26#39;re actually on the other side of a chasm. You, however, are going into that chasm! It%26#39;s a handy shortcut that saves a lot of work. Move forward until you%26#39;re on the wall, and you%26#39;ll see two rock platforms below you.

Rock platforms
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Jump down onto the first, walk to the end, and down onto the second. You then need to head down the second to the left-hand side corner. Looking down, you%26#39;ll see a lava river, a metal edging, and a stone path. You want to jump off and land on the metal edging.

View over the edge, showing the metal edging.
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Ok, so far it%26#39;s all been easy, now%26#39;s when it gets tough%26#8230;

If you turn to look down the corridor, you%26#39;ll see it is *packed* with Orcs, with only a very small leeway in between. To make this even harder, there is a single-Orc patrol that comes down it, and a Roamer half way down who wanders from side to side and stands in the middle.

View down corridor, showing Roamer
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From this point on, you need to have a very steady hand, be very patient, and most importantly of all be in third-person view. Personally I like to play in first-person, however this section is quite simply not possible that way, you have to be able to see all around you.

Timing is important here. The first thing you have to do is wait for the Patrol to come down the corridor towards you. It might stop and stare at you, however as long as you%26#39;re standing on the metal edging facing down the centre of the hallway you%26#39;ll be out of attack range, so just be patient and let it wander off again.

Now, once it%26#39;s gone it%26#39;s time to set off. If you%26#39;re lucky, the Roamer shown in the last picture will have wandered onto the right hand side and be easier to pass, however it doesn%26#39;t stay there long, and is your biggest obstacle for this section.

With the Patrol past you, start off down the centre of the corridor, slowly. Remember what I said earlier on about the %26#39;Did you hear something?%26#39; reaction, well you%26#39;re going to see a lot of it now. Every time a mob looks your way, stop and don%26#39;t move again until it turns away. You have some time until the Patrol comes back, so you can afford to be careful, however don%26#39;t over do it 8-)

Moving down the corridor, and an Orc reacting.
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Having made it past the first lot, the corridor continues round to the left. Although the Orcs are more spread out here, they still react and you have to still be careful.

Heading round to the left.
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You%26#39;re heading to the far wall, and ultimately towards the group containing the sitting mob you can see top centre of the last picture.

View from the far wall
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This part is the bit that requires the most patience, as (at level 56 certainly) you have *barely* enough room to squeeze through these mobs, and most of them react. You need to cross to the left hand half of the passage, and squeeze diagonally through the mobs as show in the next picture. The mob with his back to me in the picture doesn%26#39;t react, however the other four all do, so you have to take this literally a step at a time. When you%26#39;re certain that none of the mobs are looking at you, take one step forward and stop, then wait until you%26#39;re certain you%26#39;re clear again and take one more step, then stop again. Keep doing this until you get onto the ramp, at which point you%26#39;re clear of the Orcs.

Path through the Orcs
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Congratulations, you are now past all the Orcs%26#8230; now it%26#39;s time for Spiders!

View up the ramp, showing the Spiders
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To get past these, you need to hug the left-hand wall up to just below a couple of boulders, as show here, and then wait.

Boulders and wait spot
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There are three spiders you need to keep your eye on here, the little one to the right of the boulder, the little one behind the boulder, and the big one just past them. Eventually all three of them will wander away from the left hand wall, at which point you head up. You need to watch yourself here, there%26#39;s an overhang you can see in the previous picture that you can get stuck under.

Once past those three spiders, carry on up into the top left corner. Turn right, and follow the wall past Mother Smolderweb. Keep going all the way to the far side.

Sneaking past Mother Smolderweb
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As well as Mother Smolderweb herself, there is one other spider you need to be aware of, a roamer that wanders up and down the girders.

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Mother Smolderweb moves around a little bit, and if she%26#39;s at the girders end of her path as shown below then it%26#39;s vital that you wait for the roamer to leave before pulling her, otherwise you%26#39;ll agro that too, and that%26#39;ll agro all the others nearby, and then it%26#39;s game over.

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The safer path is just to wait for her to move back up to the wall end of her path%26#8230;

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Make sure you%26#39;re standing right up against the far wall before pulling her

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This is as far up as she goes, so once she%26#39;s here and stopped, it%26#39;s time to start the madness 8-)

BTW, if you took all your gear off before starting the Stealth in, now is the time to put them back on again!

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So, Part 1 of the guide, Getting To Mother Smolderweb is over%26#8230; now for Part 2, Killing Mother Smolderweb!

It%26#39;s actually a very simple process, in theory, it just takes time. In practice however, there are lots of things you need to know and obviously things that can go wrong. It is fairly unlikely that you%26#39;ll kill her first time, in fact I died several times before I worked all this out, and even having it all written down for you is no substitute for practice. So, don%26#39;t be disheartened, just keep plugging away, those boots are worth it in the end! 8-)

So, things you need to know before you start%26#8230;

Firstly, and very importantly, is DO NOT have Thorns up! If you have Thorns on, click it off right now, as it *will* get you killed. We%26#39;re going to be using Hibernate to keep her asleep, and if she hits you with Thorns up it%26#39;s quite common for the damage from Thorns to land after Hibernate does, and it%26#39;ll wake her right back up again. This is A Bad Thing! 8-)

Secondly, and equally importantly, is that you need to have Abolish Poison hotkeyed. You will need this a lot! She procs a poison called Mother%26#39;s Milk, which has the very nasty effect of making you cast an AoE web explosion, which has the two very nasty effects of glueing you to the floor and interrupting casting. It is therefore essential that you get rid of it as soon as she%26#39;s back asleep. It takes a few seconds before it goes off, so you have time. If left uncleared, it will keep going off every few seconds.

The third thing is something you probably all know, but as I said at the start I%26#39;m going to cover everything just in case%26#8230; You can cast buffs, heals and cures on yourself (or anyone) without changing your target away from the mob. This is very important here as you cannot afford the delay in re-targetting her if Hibernate breaks at a bad time, and it will! So, keep Mother Smolderweb targetted at all times, and if you need to cure the poison or heal yourself or Innervate, then do it like this: Press the spell hotkey (or click the icon, but that%26#39;s slower) and then press F1 (or click your portrait, again slower). If you do it in that order you will keep Mother Smolderweb targetted, but cure or heal yourself. The same is true if you need to bandage up, press the Bandage key then F1, and you%26#39;ll bandage without losing her as your target.

Fourth (yup, LOTS you need to know! 8-) ) is that as well as Mother%26#39;s Milk, she can also proc Crystalize, which is a 5-second stun that interrupts casting. Not nice! However, the good news is that it only lasts until she next hits you, so the moment you%26#39;re under attack you%26#39;re free again. This is basically the worse situation you%26#39;ll find yourself in (if you do everything right, anyway 8-) ), and it%26#39;s important not to panic 8-)

Finally for the pre-start info, the key here is keeping her asleep with Hibernate. That is the #1, #2 and #3 priority! It is not as easy as keeping a bog-standard mob under either, she will frequently break it early. When she does this you *must* immediately stop anything else you%26#39;re doing, even if you%26#39;re half way through a cast, and put her back under. You have to keep out of her melee as much as possible, or you%26#39;re toast!

Ok, so by now you have your supplies, you%26#39;re in position, and you know the drill%26#8230; time to get our Spider on!

I hope you went to the toilet first btw, you%26#39;ll be here for a while now! 8-)

As I said before, the tactics for the fight are very very simple%26#8230; all we do is slowly wear her down with Starfire, and keep her under control with Hibernate. Other than all the points above, that%26#39;s pretty much it! 8-)

Standing in the corner as shown above, with Mother Smolderweb properly positioned and no sign of the roamer, drop a Starfire on her head, and the instant it finishes casting cast Hibernate on her too. Don%26#39;t wait for her to move or get near you or anything, cast Hibernate the instant Starfire lands, even if it%26#39;s resisted. Hibernate takes 1.5 seconds to cast, and you%26#39;re trapped in a very small area with a very angry Spider, you do not have a lot of room to play with here 8-)

During those 1.5 seconds you were casting Hibernate, she%26#39;ll have moved towards you. For this first pull she might not have got very far, or she might have got all the way up to you. If she%26#39;s barely moved, stay where you are and do another Starfire and Hibernate, and this time she%26#39;ll stop very close to you (which is exactly what you want).

Now that you%26#39;re staring terrified into her dripping mandibles, it%26#39;s time to move. This is the key to the entire thing, keep moving and out of her range. You have *very* little room to work with here, there are spiders all around you, so it%26#39;s vital to know how far you can safely go. The corner you started in is obvious, after that it%26#39;s less so, so here%26#39;s a nice picture of exactly where you should now be standing%26#8230;

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And this is the view you should have%26#8230;

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You now simply repeat this process over and over again%26#8230; Starfire and Hibernate, move to the other side, and Starfire and Hibernate again%26#8230; Remembering all the time that if she breaks Hibernate early, stop anything else you%26#39;re doing (usually casting Starfire) and immediately re-Hibernate, and move out of her way.

As you can see from this picture, it takes a long time%26#8230; I refreshed Mark of the Wild before I started, and so far 9 minutes have passed. You can also see from this picture that I have by now used Innervate. You will see in all the subsequent pictures that I keep my mouse over the Innervate icon, so that I can always see the countdown until I can use it again%26#8230; that countdown is your lifeline, if you run out of mana before it%26#39;s hit zero, you%26#39;re dead! What you *must* do therefore is conserve mana as much as possible, and the easiest way to do that is to wait a few seconds after getting into position before casting Starfire / Hibernate again. Let the mana build back up a little bit, and then start again. Don%26#39;t give it too long though, as I said she does like to wake up early!

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A few more pictures of the fight, to give you a rough idea how long it takes%26#8230; keep an eye on the Mark of the Wild timer%26#8230;

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As you can see in that last picture above, I took a lot of damage, I got stunned and then she resisted Hibernate%26#8230; this will happen a few times every fight, more until you get the hang of it. The key here is to not panic, keep working on Hibernate, and only once you%26#39;ve got her under should you worry about healing up. Unless of course she gets you dangerously low, in which case click a Health potion and go back to trying to Hibernate her.

Once I had her back under, I moved to the new position and bandaged myself, all the time keeping her targetted and one finger on the Hibernate button%26#8230; even if you%26#39;re bandaging you have to stop it to re-Hibernate her the instant she wakes up.

Occasionally you will get into the unfortunate position of having her stop right in the middle of the area, so that no matter where you stand she will get to you in the 1.5 seconds Hibernate will take to cast. This is obviously a problem as it greatly increases the chances of you getting stunned, poisoned and beaten to death. However, there is a very handy little trick you can do in these circumstances to re-position her%26#8230;

If you took the Nature%26#39;s Swiftness talent, you now have a nice little trick up your sleeve! As you know, it makes the next Nature spell you cast into an instant cast spell. Everyone knows that%26#39;s heals and the Wrath nuke, but what a lot of people don%26#39;t realise is that Hibernate is also a Nature spell, and so is affected by Nature%26#39;s Swiftness. Starfire, however, is an Arcane spell, and thus unaffected.

So, the trick for getting out of a %26#39;she%26#39;s gonna get me!%26#39; situation and back into the %26#39;Ahhh, she%26#39;s miles away%26#39; place you want is simple%26#8230; cast Nature%26#39;s Swiftness on yourself first, BEFORE casting Starfire. Then cast Starfire on her as normal. As it%26#39;s an Arcane spell Nature%26#39;s Swiftness will still be up. Then pause for half a second or so, just until she starts moving, and then hit her with the now instant-casting Hibernate. Provided she doesn%26#39;t resist it (always a possibility), you now have her nicely dozing away near to you without ever having got close enough to hit you, and it%26#39;s back to the cycle.

If you don%26#39;t have Nature%26#39;s Swiftness, or you already used it and the timer%26#39;s still counting down, then the best thing to do in this situation is to cast Rejuvenate on yourself just before casting Starfire, so that when she does get to you you still have a few seconds of high regen left to soak up some of the damage.

After about 15 minutes, you should have her pretty low%26#8230;

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Not quite low enough though%26#8230; remember how many HPs she has, and how relatively little Starfire does. Where you actually want her to be now is this low%26#8230;

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At this point, there%26#39;s a good chance that your next Starfire will kill her. That%26#39;s obviously a good thing, but it does also have a downside%26#8230; when she dies, a horde of little spiders will spawn from her corpse, and they will kill you. Oh, did I forget to mention that at the start? Yup, you%26#39;re on a suicide mission, there%26#39;s no way you%26#39;re coming back from this alive, sorry!

The good news is that the little spiders have a tiny agro range, and if you%26#39;ve done everything right then when she dies you%26#39;ll be far enough from them for them to not instantly agro you%26#8230; however, we%26#39;ve not taken any chances this far, so why risk it eh? 8-)

When you get to the point that you%26#39;re pretty sure your next Starfire will kill her, cast Rejuvenation on yourself before casting Starfire, and as well as the finger over Hibernate also keep a finger over Dire Bear form.

If when you cast Starfire she doesn%26#39;t die (even if you%26#39;re certain the damage will be enough, she could resist it) re-cast Hibernate, then re-cast Rejuvenate and start again.

When she does die, however, immediately cast Dire Bear form. You can loot as a Bear, and have the advantage of more HPs and Armour, giving you longer to do so.

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All that remains now is to run in and loot the corpse. The little spiders will attack the moment you get near her, so you have to be fast. If they haven%26#39;t attacked yet and you have enough mana left, you can de-Bear and stack Regrowth and Rejuvenate on yourself, then re-bear and go in, to give yourself the maximum looting time, however even with no regen Dire Bear will give you enough, so it%26#39;s up to you.

Remember that the boots are Bind On Pickup, so as well as clicking on them you will also have to click the Yes button to grab them, so be prepared, and even though it might sound amazingly obvious, if she does drop them click them first! 8-)

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As you can see, she didn%26#39;t drop them for me on this run, or any of the dozen or so previous runs, or the half dozen group or raid runs at her I%26#39;ve done too%26#8230; basically, she hates me! 8-( Still, my revenge upon her is that now hopefully lots more people will kill her too, muhahahaha!


Now that you%26#39;re dead, you can run all the way back to BRS and zone in again to res yourself, and then gate home muttering to yourself about how that Spider%26#39;s going to get hers one day, and prepare for another run tomorrow! The good news is that at least she%26#39;ll drop a Green item if you don%26#39;t get the boots, which will easily cover your repair costs from the death at the end.

Never res at the Spirit Healer at Thorium Point, it takes 2 minutes to get back to BRS to res normally, and it%26#39;s perfectly safe to do, so why waste cash on more durability loss 8-)

Well, that%26#39;s it for this guide, I hope you enjoyed it, and that you%26#39;ll offer up a quick plea on my behalf while you%26#39;re strutting round in your new boots that one day I%26#39;ll get mine!

Dianius, 60 Night Elf Druid, Teranas (Euro)

Well, it turns out that perseverance pays off, and on my 20th solo kill of her she decided to be nice to me 8-)

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