I found the best place to be the undead (I haven't done Tauren, orc/troll suck). Tons of quests and you can easily leave the newbie zone at level 12 which should be your goal. If you pick orc/troll, you will probably have to do a little bit of grinding, because I was only able to get to level 10 in Durotar doing every quest (I think I did at least), and the mobs start at level 12 in the barrens.
Barrens. Duh. A whole fuckload (yes, I have to use that word) of quests. More quests than any other zone, for a huge level range. You can easily stay in the barrens until after level 20. You will get bored of it though ;P
Your time here is best spent between stonetalon and the dreaded hillsbrad foothills. Hillsbrad does have tons of awesome quests, plus it's a cool zone, but it's also a zone where horde funnel in at level 18 or so, and alliance funnel in at level 30... Definatly can be a test of your patience if you don't have a couple of buddies to group with for protection. Stonetalon is a lot better now, but still does not have the content that Hillsbrad does, although it can be a good escape, both from alliance, and when you get tired of Barrens.
Two words: Salt Flats. Located in the eastern part of Thousand Needles, at level 30 about 8 quests open up that will net you 1 level in about 3 hours of killing mobs. Plus, you will make about 5g selling the useless drops you get. Easiest level in the game Wink After you finish needles/flats you should be about level 33-34, and Arathi Highlands is where you want to be. It has a small alliance presence, but horde numbers are much greater. Lots of good quests here, including a bunch of elites with awesome rewards (one of the best swords you can get for levels 34).
Now it's on to the Badlands, where you get to deal with 8billion coyotes running all over, and earth elementals on every single border Smile Nah, it is a pretty good zone, with some good quests. Miners will love it because there is a ton of ore to be had here, mostly iron, some silver/gold/mithril. You can also head to Tanaris at some point, where there are another good supply of quests. Ooops, almost forgot Grom'Gol in stranglethorn vale. A huge amount of quests here, including 1 for a 14 slot bag at level 36. Make sure you don't skip this area, lots of great stuff here. Almost forgot Faralas as well. Not a lot of quests here, but it is an absolutely gorgeous zone. There is 1 long questline that ends with an amazing weapon, no matter what your class (4 to choose from).
Lots of choices now, Ungoro, Winterspring, Western Plaguelands, etc etc.
I skipped over some zones, but they are just not worthwhile. Swamp of Sorrows for example has 5-6 quests, but it's so far out of the way that, except for the Sunken Temple being there, nobody has a reason to visit the damn place. Same with Blasted Lands.
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