Boks Easy Warr (2.2.0)

Change Log:
1.0.0: Add Stancebar and fixed graphical issue

2.0.0: Major Update, see current description for info.

2.2.0: Added Boks Easy Stats and changeable font to Buff Alert.

This Mod is designed to include as many useful warrior utilities as possible. It can do various things. As of version 2.2.0 it has the following things.

NEW AS OF 2.2.0: Boks Easy Stats

/bew stats or /bew easystats

Although a bit in its early stages Boks Easy Stats is used to check and compare certain stats when you need them. By typing in /bew stats it will display various information about your character such as bonus haste percentage, crit percentage, block chance, etc. It also can store the last amount of stats you had. By simply opening it up you can swap out a piece of gear, hit the "ReCalculate" button and boom! It'll display your new stats along with how they were changed side by side. Useful for comparing certain features about your gear.

NOTE: For the most part all the stats are the BONUS parts of said stat. Aka,

You have a base 5% chance to dodge plus

You have an extra 5% chance to dodge from gear and dodge rating.

IT WILL ONLY SHOW THE 5% BONUS. I did it this way to make it easier to compare gear. So you might have more crit than it shows because it ONLY SHOWS THE BONUS.

However Attack Power (AP) will show all your ap.

As with the config screen this is draggable via right clicking + dragging the header.

UPDATED AS IF 2.2.0: A GUI Config. Type /bew config for options. The GUI Frame can be dragged by right clicking and dragging the Header (place that says Boks Easy Warr Config)

Now listed here is also an option to change the font for the buff alert message. Currently there are only 3 fonts to choose from. 2 of which were gotten from

Skurri: A Default Blizzard Font choose this one for a clean, noticable display when you gain a buff.

Hellstruct: While very amazing looking this was done in a small format. So if you have a keen eye and want the bets looking UI go for this.

Hulksmash: An IN YOUR FACE kind of font this will in sure you get the message and never miss that insta-slam again.

A Stancebar. You can set you gavorite stance either by slash command or in the config screen. Shift-right click your favorite stance to drag it. Right clicking hides the rest.

A threat frame. Brand new and (what i hope) helpful. It shows only your info but it does show.

A bar located at the bttom showing your percentage of threat till you gain aggro.

A dragon head frame that changed based on your threat level (note the level of threat can be seen by the text next to the frame also.)

A tps counter to show your tps.

The entire frame can be dragged via rightclicking + dragging the bottom bar.

A shouts bar. This shows you your shouts.

Left clicking the main shout button will cats battle shout, right clicking will cast commanding shout. Right clicking the little button will hide the shouts, while dragging it will move it.

A rage frame. A simple rage frame to show your current rage. It can be moved by right click +drag.

A Slam! Buff alert feature.

Now whenever you get the talent buff Slam! it will display a onscreen message until you use it or lose it. :banana:

Fixes: Fixed and reduced some redundant and overly long coding.

(Visually) invisible frames still being show.

Saved Variables Dilemma solved

Overall better coding


Any bugs/requests/etc can be sent to me via wowinterface message or you can email me at

Thank you and i do always accept user responses! Helped me fix a minor erro before.