Buy Mount for 1 Gold Warcraft studio

This is tricky and may take some time but go out of ironforge and when coming out of ironforge go to the left keep going up the road until it ends then stick to the wall push the '/' button to walk slowly must have it on then keep walking against the wall/ice/mountain or walk straight eventually after a while u will be able to go up a hill from there look on the map and go into wetlands because its where ur able to go keep walking u will see a airport kind of keep walking and go over the hill to ur right and fall off it may be to the left and it may take some time aka its a HUGE fall so ud have to be a lvl 60 with alot of health or a priest with levitate then ull see a unfinished town go into there and look around u will then be able to buy mounts for either 5 silv 10 silv 25 silv or i gold i fogot and i believe u can selll them back to vendor for 25 gold do this to get a cheap mount or make hundreds in minutes of gold

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