The end of the response: Warrior tanks skills and talent changes recommended

The end of the response: Warrior tanks skills and talent changes recommended

Doomsday repercussions do not know when they will be, but will always come, a lot of soldiers think experience will be seriously weakened after the sun well.

The new version of this article only in a copy of T have to do some of the changes, with a focus on the sun well.

Due to buff the entire mission, of hatred and upgrade improvement DPS is similar to the proportion of the same, so I do not consider the buff for the whole regiment of hatred.

Changes in skills:


[Valiant fight against] to raise additional injury.

[Blow punishment] that there is only one level, the cooling time to 1 minute, injury to injury caused by weapons, but also can be used in the defense posture.

[Thunder strike] hurt by the attacks of the intensity addition, the cooling time to 6 seconds, the number of targets are no longer restricted.

[Angry challenge] time to cool down to 3 minutes.


[Sarcasm] time to cool down to 8 seconds, with a range of up to 20 yards.

[Defense profile] in the attitude under the threat of value to increase.

[Shield hit] from the public time to cool, but at the same time will not hurt.

[Block Shield] so that the probability of Block Block and the value of 100%, the duration of up to 10 seconds, cooling time to 1 minute.

[Pojia attack] the threat posed by attacks on the strength of the value addition.

[Revenge] hurt by the attacks of the intensity addition, a substantial increase in injuries, is no longer the threat of additional value. 80 + 1500 to reach the basis of injury, when 70 or so 1000 should be the basis of injury and also the intensity of attacks +20% damage.

[Weapons] to reduce consumption of 15 anger.

[Care assistance] targets will be made to reduce the threat to the value of 10%.

[Shield wall] to reduce the cooling time of 5 minutes duration to 12 seconds, reducing the damage down to 60%.

[Reflection magic] to reduce the consumption of anger 15:00.

[Burn] time to cool down to 6 minutes.

[Shield hit] can learn to increase slightly hurt.

New skills:

Alert you watch a team or team members, the protection of his actions to reduce the damage by 3%, and the threat posed by the transfer of 10% of the value of with you. In addition, when the goal was to attack when your skills will be immediately ridiculed cooling. The continued effect of the warning 30 minutes. The only effect at the same time of the entry into force of a target.

Sasser to display a strong positive impact on the positive scope of the cone 10 yards all caused by the enemy [0.75 * attack strength] point of injury (hurt by the attacks addition intensity) and all the goals in a coma 4 seconds. The skills will create a large number of threats value.

One 20 yards into a mockery ... ... is of great significance. Ask the soldiers to operate faster response.

Second, the abolition of Revenge of the additional hatred, but to strengthen the injury, 70 should be able to achieve under the 1000 + Pojia no harm.

Five break against the destruction of hatred and revenge size comparison. As the only relatively small, so it is estimated that relatively rough, but does not affect the outcome. Destruction against an average of 200 injuries, 110 additional hatred. Revenge 1000 injury, lag far behind those of revenge against the destruction. 2 Revenge of anger, anger to destroy 9.

Therefore, the speed of Pojia did not request, the priority should be revenge.

Third, the warning is a CD-free consumption of skills, can be seen as the single ring. The entire process should be maintained, the general is the highest team hate to use or be subject to a lot of harm to the target, as the case may quickly switch.

Fourth, strengthen the disarmament has been able to make the goal of disarmament by all of the injuries increased by 10%, to pursue and strengthen the DPS should be able to disarm of all weapons of the blame.

Fifth, to maximize hatred, destruction will be only be used to crack down on the maintenance of the value of Pojia.

Sasser on whether to join the circle of hatred:

To consider purely and simply by Sasser hatred against the total destruction and hatred / anger than that.

Sasser assumption that the additional 200 hatred, violence hit rate of 20%, to destroy the shield with fulminant hit rate of 35%, the destruction of 250 injuries, damage shield Meng 1500, 1200 Sasser injury. 10 could destroy the fight against the use of an additional 3 Meng shield.

13 Sasser 13 * 12 = 156 anger. Brought about by the hatred is (200 +1200 * 1.2) * 13 = 21320. Hatred / anger = 137

With 10 and the destruction caused by the need to take 3 Shield 10 * 9 anger. Hatred is (189 +250 * 135) * 10 + (307 +1500 * 135) * 3 = 12261. Hatred / anger = 136

Concluded that the basic cost-effective, Sasser and hatred of the total is much higher.

Sasser 15 seconds, 5 seconds of revenge, Meng shield 6 seconds and a 30% probability of revenge reset due to destruction and CD. These three skills are superior to the use of destruction.

Beta circle 6 seconds count, the destruction of the use of 15 seconds each to be a substitute for Sasser. Meng shield CD also need to be reset if the alternative.

1.5S shield Meng, Revenge of 1.5 seconds, 1.5 seconds destruction, the destruction of 1.5 seconds. Under normal circumstances, 6 seconds 2 times destruction.

30 seconds the second time Sasser, to consider Sasser, 30 seconds, 8 times destruction.

30 seconds 5 times of revenge, 8th destruction. 13 shield could trigger reset CD Meng, Meng shield can be used immediately for the number 13 * 0.3 = 3.9 times. Meng shield to consider replacement, 30-second 5 times to destroy.

30 seconds, 20 times idealized skills. Sasser of them 2nd, 8th shield Meng, revenge 5th, 5th destruction.

But the fact is very difficult to achieve a perfect 20 skills. Time to consider down-chi, thunder, roar, the fight against the destruction of the number will be reduced to 1 or not.

Seek to maximize the DPS, it should Pojia allow thieves to strengthen, and the soldiers are not essential to combat the use of destruction. In the absence of the soldiers, at the right time to give up some of the hatred, as soon as possible on the break with five, followed by 30 seconds at Bu Shangyi Pojia to maintain the effect.

Pojia strengthen the skills are not really meaningful to become.

Several recommended talent. A good thing is there are a number of options, which have given rise to the differences. The so-called benevolent see benevolence, see a wise man is intelligent, strong ideas of their own should be added to other people is a thankless task. The following is only my personal understanding of the gift, you may be recommended by a friend of some help. We hope that the discussion section of a well-founded.

First, to the hatred for the DPS team pursuit occasions, defense equipment or treatment team to ensure the survival time. To the highest hate-oriented. With equipment to ensure accurate hits and enhance the value of Block.

A brief description:

1, common defense team loaded with the level of buff, this natural bravery under 40% of the storm hit, the destruction of 40%, shields hit 40%.

2, Meng shield for the use of the skills a priority, followed by Sasser, revenge. When coupled with anger over 40 used to combat bravery.

3, to be able to disarm weapons of strange priority.

Second, to the survival and viability of the applicable requirements of hatred and do not ask for much higher. One such as the sun well.

A brief description:

1, plus all of the increase in the viability of the talent has to add. After considering the maximization of hatred.

2, and skills to ensure that the use of Thunder, Zhi-down effect, shields blocked the use of discontent in the blood. Meng shield priority, followed by revenge, and destruction. When combined with anger more than 40 combat bravery.

Third, to apply to. Comparison of moderate talent, the applicability of the strong, and a talent to play in the end. For example, a copy of the farm. Also plan to use personal talent, a large element of personal preference.

A brief description:

1, strengthen the violent bloody start to use the shield can take. Bravery is to strengthen the fight against increase in DPS.

2, tends to more hatred, but not extreme hatred.