I laugh every time I read something on some forum where someone's claiming "nobody" does the Azeroth 60s dungeons anymore - LBRS, UBRS, Strat, Scholo, Dire Maul...
We do them.
Yes, we know the Outlands is more experience and more challenging and has better equipment drops. We don't care. We're enjoying being able to take on content with our 60+s without wiping 6 times, and most of us still have quests in those dungeons since we didn't complete quests once we hit 60.
Did I mention we're an uber-casual guild full of altaholics?
We'll eventually get to the Outlands instances.
67 Warlock Gets His Epic Felsteed
One of our altaholic guildmates had some 5 level 60s at the time the expansion came out, and not a single one of them had an Epic Mount until yesterday when his 67 Warlock completed the final bits he needed to do in Dire Maul West.
As a casual group we had done occasional runs into various dungeons we agreed we'd like to hit, and Scholomance was one we hit once or twice to start out the Felsteed stuff with our Warlock guildmate. A week or so ago we hit Dire Maul East for the first time in about 6 months as a guild, and got everyone their Crescent Key
Binds when picked up
Use: Opening
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Crescent Key to unlock various parts of DM, including Dire Maul West entrance, which we went into last night.
The run last night was a lot of fun, with only four deaths in total, as was expected when our tank was level 70, we had a 67 Warlock, a 62 Hunter plus a 61 Priest and a 60 Hunter. The deaths occurred during the long, continuous summoning event in the circle - we lasted long enough for our guildmate's quest to advance to the next stage but three of us had to run back because the Priest died during the fight and used her Soulstone to resurrect herself and keep us going for a bit longer. The second time she went down, I went down and our Warlock went down and the Summoning event ended, leaving our Tank with 100 hit points and the other Hunter severely decimated as well.
All in all, each of us completed at least two quests in the West wing of the instance, killing Immol'lar or whatever his name is, and then killing the Prince in the Library.
My final comment about the DM run is that I like an instance that has a vendor who can do equipment repairs, right in the instance! Very nice! We could sell our greys and repair our equipment (not that we were dying much) and move forward. For the Warlock with the kabillion Soul Shards it was a nice find.