On The Subject of Guild Cliques

So, what do you think about the whole topic of "Guild Cliques"?

It happens in pretty much every guild - everyone's under the same guild tag, but over time, teams form within the larger group and the teams begin to progress quickly. When it comes time to head into instances, these groups tend to stick together instead of joining general Guildie PuGs, and people who are not a part of the team may begin to feel alienated. Then, the generalized whining and lashing out against the team begins.

I've written previous entries about how Guildmates are not Automatically Friends and given some Strategies For Building Your Friends List, but I'd like to get some further feedback from others.

My Situation, My Theories

I'm in a very small, casual, relaxed non-raiding guild populated by about 10 different altaholic's alts (ie: we all have at least 5 toons going), and 5-10 other players who login once or twice a week to play for a few hours.

95% of the people in our guild, because it's so small and cozy, I have no problem grouping up with for various reasons. But there's a 5% that I either outright refuse to group with, or every time I group with them, something they do repeatedly grates on my nerves and reduces the amount of "fun" feelings I feel.

As an Officer of the guild (and not the Guildmaster), is it my responsibility to 'educate' these people as to why I won't group with them at all or why my tolerance for grouping with them is waning?

If I were a regular Member, would that responsibility change?

What do YOU do in your guild?

(this question inspired/brought to you by This Thread in the official forums)