OPie (1.22)

Change Log:
* Ring bindings can now be tapped to execute a ring-specified action.

* Added tracking (ALT+F), usable quest items rings (ALT+Q).

* Tooltips can now be displayed for selected slices.

* For a complete list of changes and bug fixes in the recent release cycle, see

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath6

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath7

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath8

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath9

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath10

** http://www.go-hero.net/opie/release/wrath11

More information is available at the official website.

OPie is a radial action-binding addon, enabling you to bind groups of infrequently used actions to a ring that appears when you trigger it using a hot key / mouse binding.

Consider some of the common items taking up action bar space:

Usable quest items

Potions, Health stones, Mana gems

Damage-aborbing shields (when was the last time you used Frost Ward?)

Shape shifts and stances; along with your mount.

Foods: biscuits, stat buffs, arena water, underspore pods?

Leatherworking drums.

Your once-in-a-blue-moon-on-a-Thursday cooldowns.

Download OPie, group those into rings (/rk), bind rings to mouse buttons (/opie), enjoy uncluttered combat in style. See the features page for more detail.