Rest Bonus Burned Away… Wee Priest Experiences

I've got a friend who isn't into "online stuff", barely uses email, etc. He's been on holidays in Mexico for the past two weeks. In the past two weeks I've spent ALL the rest bonus on every toon I have, except my 62 Hunter, and I've started a new toon as well.

All of my toons have under 10% rest bonus left. Every single one except for my 62, who still sits at 100% because I rarely attack anything her level.

I am quite glad my friend is back from his holiday. I may be envious of his tan, but the fact that he helps keep me from living in World of Warcraft is a darned good thing ;)

Troll Mage Hits 30

I found a couple of fellow Magi to team up with recently, folks who have made it onto my Friends list after our first encounter and who I have partied up with another 3 or more times since. One guy was guildless and only plays on the weekends, so on the third weekend I invited him to join the guild. Another one is a female toon, and she seems to be in a popular guild so I haven't worried about extending an invite.

I've partied with both of these people at seperate times, and we've blazed our way through quests that individually would have been slow and painful and fraught with many respawns and deaths. Hillsbrad quests? Toast. Ashenvale ones? Burned to the ground.

I dinged 30, spent a whole wad of cash on training some 6 different skills, looked for a new teleport from the Portal trainer (was disappointed), and then parked the toon in Tarren Mills near the mailbox, in case I need some potions created while he rests.

Undead Priest Hits 26

This toon parties up with guildmates and very rarely parties up with strangers. I get invites to dungeons once or twice every few hours, but nobody's pestered or tried to guilt me or anything yet ;)

I headed out with two guildmates when we were all 24/25 - Warrior and Warlock and myself. We dominated Tarren Mills for a few hours and came out as 26's nearing to 27. Again, less than 10% rest bonus left on this toon, I've trained her up for her level 26 skills and re-arranged my spec a little (disc: 5/5 wand, 3/3 improved shield, shadow: 5/5 spirit tap, 2/3 improved Shadow Word: Pain, took points out of Blackout in favor of the SW:P ones), and parked her in Tarren Mills.

Orc Rogue Hits 14

She's parked at The Crossroads now, still wearing the same enchanted-up equipment she put on at about level 4-5. I've got some new equipment on hold for her, but need to collect enchanting mats for a few days so I can enchant everything at once and send it along.

That's fine, she needs to rest, so a week of gathering enchanting mats while she rejuvenates at the Crossroads Inn (probably drinking and dancing!) isn't a bad idea.

First Crack At Group Healing

I haven't had much opportunity to heal for a group yet with my priest. I'm sure I could do some more Pick Up Groups if I really wanted to get more healing experience, but I just haven't wanted to take that route considering the connections to friends I already have in the game.

Today while I was playing the Priest with my Warlock and Warrior guildie friends, I got a chance to stand back and handle healing more than worrying about the mobs we're attacking, and it was quite nice. After working so much on my 40s Warrior and practicing my tanking and aggro-magnetizing behaviors, it's nice to just stand back and let someone else worry about tagging every mob and keeping every mob's attention.

I didn't like it, of course, when we were killing Mudsnouts in Hillsbrad and they kept running and aggroing others... and my connection was red and at about 2400ms... but I wouldn't have liked that tanking or healing or DPSing either.

So, so far I'm enjoying the healing experience. I'm not sure how well I'd do with the hybrid healing experience, having to switch back and forth between DPS and healing and tanking, but as a wee Priest, I'm liking my support role in party play so far.