Warcraft Looting Rules, Part Two: Basics

Basic rules are used by most experienced players. Intermediate rules start to come into play around level 40, with the Scarlet Monestary instances.

FYI, BOP is 'bind on pickup' items. BOE is 'bind on equip' items. All items green+ are either one of these.

Dungeon Rules:

    Roll 'need' on BOE or BOP equipment or professions recipes you'll use on this toon.
    Roll 'greed' on BOE equipment for alternate toons, selling, or disenchanting
    Roll 'greed' on all lockboxes and profession materials (gems etc)
    Or, Pass on anything and everything if you so desire

    Negotiate with partymates after the winner has been declared for Greed rolls

Dungeon Etiquette:

Before You Enter The Dungeon

Make sure you're prepared and will not need to leave partway into the dungeon. Here are some things to consider, although this is not an exhaustive list:

Repair all of your equipment
Restock your arrows, ahnks, water and food stores
Bring a few potions to pop in emergencies
Make sure you have the nearest Flight Point to the dungeon in advance

Things which are standard in all dungeons and large parties

Listen to the party/raid leader鈥檚 instructions. You can have input on your contribution and responsibilities but talking about it after the run is over and making changes for next time may be a better choice on the immediate scale.
Stay relaxed if things go wrong. If you don鈥檛 like how a particular person runs their instance parties, you鈥檙e free to schedule your own guildee runs and avoid joining that party leader鈥檚 groups in the future.
Don't wander from the group, and don't rush ahead of the leader unless given direct permission.
Let the Main Tank (MT) hit first, and focus your attacks on the same target so you do not gain aggro yourself as much as possible.
If you see a Patrol mob coming towards any party members, call "pat" on the party or raid line to warn your teammates
If you see an additional mob being aggro'd that wasn't part of the original battle, call "add" on the party or raid line to warn your teammates.
Feel free to make trade deals with party mates if they won something you'd like for an alt which they were intending to sell or donate to the guild.
Determine in advance who has the same collecting profession as you, and work out an equitable deal for sharing skinning, mining and herb collection.
When you happen upon a chest, once battle is finished or nearly finished around it, say 'roll on chest' in party chat, then /roll for your own roll.
If you wish to pass on a manual /roll, then say 'pass' in the party chat so others know not to wait for or prompt your roll.
Yes, sometimes you'll go into a dungeon and you'll get the crap end of the rolls and you won't come out with much loot. This is to be expected, it happens to us all.

Big No-Nos when partied with anyone inside or outside a guild:

1. Being a "loot ninja":

Taking chest contents, mining ores or picking herbs without discussion, rolling, or party agreement
Rolling "need" on everything
Rolling "need" on items which are clearly better upgrades for another class within the party
Opening a chest you didn't win or hasn't been rolled on "just to see what is inside". This is not ninja looting in itself but is one click away from it and makes people nervous about your party integrity

2. Insubordination

Your party leader may not be as experienced or as knowledgable as you are, but that's no reason to behave badly or impatiently with them.
A member's quality is measured not only by experience, but by their ability to interact with others in a variety of social situations. If you have a lot of knowledge and experience but nobody will follow you and you won't follow anyone else, life gets tough (for you).

3. Dropping out with little or no warning

If a party is going badly and you are considering leaving, please tell your party mates and try not to point fingers as to why the party is going badly.
If you're in queue for the battlegrounds, either remove yourself from the queue or don't get yourself into a dungeon instance party.

Basic rules apply at the Intermediate and Advanced dungeon levels as well, although some Basic rules may be replaced with more complex, specific rules.

This is the end of Part 2 of the Basic Warcraft Looting Rules series. Many party leaders will expect party members to understand and operate by these rules for any PuG (pickup group) formed.