Argent Stand is one of the two major hubs in the zone. Gurric is the flight master, at 42,65.
Maaka (60,57) provides flights from Zim'Torga, which features a delicious Blessing of Kings-bot and some good questing.
Rafae is at the small camp near Gundrak (71,23), providing easy access to that instance (which I haven't run more than once, still). We're starting to get into zones where you're more and more likely to have your own flying mount, but I will press on through Sholazar, Storm Peaks, and Icecrown in the days ahead. Stay tuned! Previously posted: Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, and Dragonblight (Horde/Alliance); Grizzly Hills.Continuing on from Grizzly Hills, we come a bit north to Zul'Drak, a zone that's apparently one giant troll city. I'm a big fan; some people don't seem to love it much, but presumably everyone needs to know how to get around, so let's get into the flight paths. All the hubs in Zul'Drak are neutral (generally Argent Crusade-aligned), meaning there's just one list for both Horde and Alliance.
Light's Breach is where you typically start in ZD. Danica Saint at 32,75 handles the air traffic there.
Ebon Breach is the starting point for what is (in my opinion) one of the best questlines in the zone. The flight master there is Baneflight, at 14,74. See what they did there? Baneflight? I assume that's hilarious if you're a ghoul or something.