As a handbag enthusiast, I have never been too fond of faux leather handbags. In my opinion, nothing can beat a soft and buttery leather handbag. Whenever I choose to buy a new bag, I know that an investment in a good quality leather piece will last season after season. So why is it then that I cannot take my eyes off this faux leather bag? Meet the Matt & Nat Yacht Studded Bag! This lovely piece features a large flap closure that is adorned with dozens of assorted antiqued brass studs.
This bag also features zipper trimmed moleskin panels. It really does create an interesting look that I simply cannot get enough of. The more I look at this bag, the more it seems to grow on me. I also like how versatile this bag is. It comes with a detachable shoulder strap and extra long chain strap. But not only could this bag be worn as either a shoulder bag or cross body messenger bag, it could easily be converted into a jumbo-sized clutch as well! All you need to do is remove the shoulder strap and tuck the chain strap inside! So if you’re looking for a fun and inexpensive bag or, even a great vegan alternative, then I would definitely recommend checking out this beauty!
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You can find the Matt & Nat Yacht Studded Bag at Shopbop.com!
It is currently available in Black, Bone, or Magenta and it retails for only $215.
The Chat: yacht!