Well here’s a familiar face! Or should I say, familiar handbag? The Fendi Peekaboo Tote has been around for quite some time now. But it never seems to get old, does it? I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fendi Peekaboo Tote becomes an iconic piece some day (if it hasn’t already happened, that is). What I like most about this bag is the fact that it comes in a variety of sizes and colors. But this latest version of the largest size is… WOW! Introducing the Fendi Large Python Peekaboo Tote.
This gorgeous piece features a bluish gray, goatskin body that fades into a darker gray in the center. So where’s the python? That’s the peek-a-boo part! Inside you’ll find a genuine python dividing panel, which is complemented with a brown suede lining. The result is a bag that is beautiful beyond words! This isn’t to say, however, that this bag is not functional as well. After all, it does feature two large compartments (one of each side) that are capable of holding all your daily essentials and much more!
This beauty is definitely what I would call an investment piece. But I think that is okay considering how classic-looking this bag is. This is something that will always look fresh, season after season.
Find the Fendi Large Python Peekaboo Tote at Luisaviaroma.com!
The Chat: peekaboo!