Fendi Striped Eel Clutch


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It seems that when it comes to Fendi handbags, things could go either way. Either the bag is crazy gorgeous or it leaves you wondering “what the heck”. Not too often does a bag seem to fall somewhere between these two extremes. But you know what? I think the Fendi Striped Eel Clutch is just that. Not that that is a bad thing though! In fact, I think this bag has some very endearing qualities that make it perfect for every day.

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Somewhat vintage looking, the Fendi Striped Eel Clutch is constructed of Anguilla (i.e. freshwater eel) in alternating black and tan stripes. The flap closure is adorned with a rather colorful Fendi logo with red letters and a green background. The clutch also comes with a detachable shoestring strap. But, if you ask me, it would look best clutched in hand. Probably not much of a showstopper, this bag would be best for those occasions when you want to look refined. And since it has a touch of retro in it, I would suggest pairing it with something equally retro-esque. A beaded brocade jacket, perhaps? This is definitely one worth a second glance, especially for those of you out there that are craving something a little different.

Discover the Fendi Striped Eel Clutch at Luisaviaroma.com!