I’m obsessed with Michael Kors. His purses are reasonably priced and sometimes they are as drop dead gorgeous as any other designer out there. When I laid my eyes on the MICHAEL Michael Kors “Jewel” Clutch I was instantly in love. Not only was it an affordable price but it was way different than anything Mr. Kors has ever done before. It’s not your typical Michael Kors bag and I think that’s why I love it so much.
I’m not sure if I would classify this purse as an evening clutch or a fancy handbag. It’s not too over the top that it can be only used at night and it’s not casual either. I would say this is the type of handbag you can carry around whenever you want. I suppose that gives it an edge over other bags. It’s great for the daytime and it’s dressy enough for night.
My favorite feature about this bag is definitely the jewel in front of the bag. That’s what really caught my eye about this clutch. It really sticks out at you, and even though there isn’t much to this bag that jewel makes an impression.
Such a great bag and I give Michael Kors an A+ for this one!
You can purchased the MICHAEL Michael Kors “Jewel” Clutch at Zappos for $228.