I know something Thottbot doesn't know.
Of course, I know it just means that the people who use the Thottbot addon to help Thottbot keep their databases up-to-date, etc, haven't seen this particular %26#8220;world drop%26#8221; outside of where we all used to get it, but still...
What's This Trinket For?
The Carrot on a Stick trinket is a simple trinket - all it does is increase the speed of your riding mount slightly, making it so your travels are a wee bit faster than those without any speed improvements for their mount.
It's meant for players below the level of 68, when the Riding Crop takes over your trinket slot for mount-speed enhancement.
Why's This Such A Shock It's A World Drop?
Well, first and foremost, this trinket used to only be available, as far as I am aware, by going all the way through Zul'Farrak and ringing the gong at the end of the instance to summon and terminate Gahz'rilla.
Zul'Farrak is a dungeon instance that players venture into through the zone of Tanaris, and normally players are in their low-to-mid 40s when they first start getting into non-friend, non-guild PUGs to take on the place. With friends, one can gain access before 40, but since many of the mobs are in their mid-40s unless you have a good escort, someone that low will die repeatedly from pulling aggro from across the room.
It normally takes an hour or more to progress through the instance, even if you're getting a run-through from a decently-geared friend.
Secondly, Thottbot doesn't have any information about what world mobs might drop the trinket. All that's mentioned there is the Zul'Farrak quest mentioned above.
How Do I Know It's A World Drop?
I'm psycho! Er... Psychic! ;)
But seriously - my father mentioned the Carrot briefly while we played together the other night, and I had to get him to clarify to me what exactly he was talking about, because I KNEW he had never set foot in any dungeon instance on the game (on 56k and a slow computer, it would be frustrating).
And it's true! He's got the Carrot on a Stick!
Of course, he doesn't remember where he was when he got the drop, so I can't be any help in that direction... but it's out there!
Has anyone else run across this who might know where the drop came from?
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