My Healing Priest (Holy/Disc, goes on occasional raids) is my third toon to 70, and my first non-DPS character that survived past 40.
According to
"_new" href=""%26gt;, she hit level 70 on or around July 16, 2008 - exactly a month ago.
Since she was my 3rd to 70, I was well-prepared for her to ding 70 and put on some powerful gear. Not as powerful of gear as someone who's been running heroics and raiding at 70, or PvPing through their 60s like there's no tomorrow, but powerful enough to get me starting Heroics as soon as I dinged 70, where most others are still gearing up for Heroics when they hit 70.
And of course, I got an epic flyer 45 minutes after hitting 70 as well, so this toon is well-prepared for being a 70 amongst my friends and Heroics PUG mates.
Revered With Thrallmar, +Heals Top 1600
I've been using Be Imba! for improvement tuning of all three of my level 70 characters, and have used it to help friends direct their improvement goals as well when they asked.
Slowly but surely, I get the various enchants and gem and gear upgrades recommended by Be Imba!, and my position on the gear-o-meter climbs as I do it.
The recent upgrade accomplishment on this toon has been getting to Revered with Thrallmar, buying the Glyph of Renewal healer's head enchant and the Ancestral Band healer's ring in order to bring me up to just above 1600 +heals, unbuffed.
What's Next?
This toon is getting to a point where unless I decide I want to %26#8220;progress%26#8221; further into raiding, upgrades are now just for fun, and not because I don't think I can handle the various Heroics.
With that said, I do still have goals, because I do enjoy playing this toon and am having a lot of fun in Heroics with her, and PvP is fun as well, especially as a healer when I know I'm making a difference during each battle.
I've been collecting a Shadow set while I do my Heroics, asking if the rest of the group minds if I roll for off-spec when it's clear it's not an upgrade for anyone else in the group, and I'm down to needing only Bracers, a Belt, one ring, and a one-handed weapon and I'll have a full shadow set.
Of course, I've only ever played this toon as shadow to grind from 52-58 when I got frustrated with the lack of BRD PUGs, so it'll take some getting used to...
I'm sure looking forward to WoTLK where, I've heard, players will be allowed to set 2 specs and then simply pay the respec fee to alternate between one and the other. That'll sure help in so many ways!
Other than that, I've collected all but the Ace of Beasts for my Darkmoon trinket... so I guess it's time to head into LBRS to get keyed, and UBRS to try for that rare drop!!
I'm glad I have game-friends to trade favors with :)
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