Quest For A Fast, Smooth Ride
Once I bought my "Journeyman Riding" skill and have my first epic (land) mount, I took a look at my Reputation bar to see if there were any factions I was Exaulted with and could go to buy THEIR epic land mount. Not that I want to have a "collection" persay, but more that I would like to buy a mount which is more like the undead horses in that my toon doesn't bounce around frenetically while riding. Raptors are ridiculous for having to watch one's toon bounce around in an almost painful fashion considering all the heavy armor one is wearing.
Exaulted With Frostwolf Clan?
For some reason when I initially looked at my Reputation tab, I thought I saw that I was already at Exaulted with the Frostwolf Clan from all the PvPing I did in Alterac Valley during my 50s (which got me to First Sargeant, and the honor got me access to Ice Threaded Arrow
Binds when picked up
16 - 17 Damage
(16.5 damage per second)
Requires Level 51
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Ice Threaded Arrows which were better than the Jagged Arrow
13 - 13 Damage
(13.0 damage per second)
Requires Level 40
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Jagged Arrows which were standardly available to me as a Hunter prior to the 2.0 WoW update). Unfortunately I'm only Revered, but I'm halfway through Revered, and ... Exaulted is next, right? It better be...
At any rate, even with having to earn more Frostwolf Clan honor, I believe I'm closest to being able to get the Horn of the Frostwolf Howler
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 60
Requires Riding (150)
Use: Summons and dismisses a rideable Frostwolf Howler. This is a very fast mount.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Horn of the Frostwolf Howler out of the rest of the epic land mounts I can think of, and from what I've seen of folks riding those wolf mounts, they're a lot smoother a ride than the raptors. Excellent.
PvP Noob
I'm pretty darn rusty at this whole Battleground thing. I used to play for hours and hours in AV, back when the games sometimes lasted 8-14 hours before one side actually "won". I was glad when the games were altered and they immediately changed to where someone could win in less than a half hour, but I haven't really paid much attention to the nuances of the terrain exploits and why one side wins more than the other, etc.
Now that there's 70 levels, I'm also in a new fighting bracket in Alterac Valley, and I'm at the VERY VERY BOTTOM of the level requirements, which are 61-70. Surprisingly, I haven't heard anyone whine that I should leave the war and let some level 70 come in... I guess that's a whine more often heard in a Battleground where there's not 40 players on either side and 5-10 of them 'guarding the caves' (aka, idling in the AV starting zone, never actually participating, honor farming).
I certainly AM one of the "noobs" that I hear whining about when I play during the daytime - I have no real idea what I'm trying to accomplish, I'm too small to scout around by myself without getting insta-ganked, and if I don't stay way back from the actual fray, I'm an easy target for a 70's quick-kill even without wandering off by myself.
But, I know enough to collect Armor Scraps
Binds when picked up
Quest Item
\'Return to your base blacksmith to help upgrade troops\'
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Armor Scraps, Stormpike Soldier\'s Blood
Binds when picked up
Quest Item
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Stormpike Soldier's Blood, Stormpike Soldier\'s Flesh
Binds when picked up
Quest Item
\'Alliance: the other, other, OTHER, white meat.\'
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Stormpike Soldier's Flesh and the likes from my fallen enemies and when I have 200-300 Armor Scraps
Binds when picked up
Quest Item
\'Return to your base blacksmith to help upgrade troops\'
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Armor Scraps I head back to Frostwolf Towers area to turn everything in... and I know enough to ice trap our flags and multi-shot anyone who gets near it to try to change it over to Alliance side... and I consider myself, if nothing else, temporary distraction for the enemy to concentrate on while the rest of my more powerful teammates focus their attention on him.
But when it comes to the generalized strategy, I'm pretty much a noob. Even when I read the strategy guides, I know that there's no point in trying to "run the strategy" when my teammates aren't on board with it. And whining about it on the /bg line just wastes my time (and besides, I laugh at the guys who do it already), so... I just go with the flow and do my best.
So far I've got 23 of the 50 Alterac Valley Mark of Honor
Binds when picked up
Unique (100)
Quest Item
\'Medal awarded for fighting in Alterac Valley\'
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Alterac Valley Mark of Honor I need in order to get the Epic PvP Mount from the Frostwolf Clan. I wonder how many pieces of PvP gear I'm going to pick up in the mean time while getting my reputation up to Exaulted?
And yes, I know if I went into the Outlands I'd get better gear right away... but my short term goal is about the epic mount, not the phat lewts.
I'll let you know how it goes.