/sigh, Missed The Weekend Rush

I have a sports hobby that brings me away from home periodically, and is my major source of Socialization With Real People time. This past weekend I was away for four days, having a great time with some really cool people (some of whom I've known for about 10 years), and thus I missed the weekend rush of buyers and sellers.

I saw the start of the weekend rush beginning to ramp up on Thursday evening, when my cooking recipes started selling a lot faster (within hours instead of within 10-20), and I made a few nice sales of enchanting materials, but my ride came at 7:30 Friday morning and I didn't return until Monday night. Even so, I made about 150g profit on those enchanting mats and have some left over for next sale period.

Right now I'm running around with different toons, re-stocking my recipe supply for my bank toon. High level Enchanting mats sell for big bucks these days but recipes are a slow and steady burner in terms of income for my toons. Every couple of weeks I run around and buy a fistful of popular recipes sold in different parts of Azeroth, send 'em on to my bank toon, load up her bank and carried bags, and then slowly sell them off every time I log in with that bank toon.

How much profit do I make doing this? I probably spend about 50g buying these recipes (initial investment) but get 250g back, over time. It's difficult to measure accurately, but it's enough to be noticable, especially when I'm only able to play casually.

Another thing I pick up on my ventures around, and resell:

Fine Longbow
Binds when equipped
20 - 37 DamageSpeed 2.70
(10.6 damage per second)
Requires Level 14
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Fine Longbow - buy for under 50s, sell for 1g75s in the AH.

Ooo, Bought Me A Cool Wand

I bid on a Thunderwood
Binds when equipped
36 - 67 Nature DamageSpeed 1.90
(27.1 damage per second)
Requires Level 22
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Thunderwood figuring for sure someone else would buy it out. But nobody did! Cool, this is way better than the Greater Magic Wand
Binds when equipped
22 - 41 Arcane DamageSpeed 1.80
(17.5 damage per second)
Requires Level 13
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Greater Magic Wand I was using before. I think I bid about 10g for it. I probably should have sent it to my Priest (who uses her wand a lot) but I stuck it on my mage instead (who, in comparison, rarely fires the wand). Ah well.

Bottomfeeder Recommends...

I found 4 pieces of Eternium Ore
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Eternium Ore on the AH for 1g, and Bottomfeeder told me it could be resold for up to 12g. Knowing that ore in general is valuable, I bought it. It requires 350 mining to smelt it into bars, quite a bit higher than my miners are. I hope this isn't one of those items that had an initial surge of price in the AH but has dropped significantly. I figured a 1g investment in that risk was managable even if I could never sell the ore. I'll let you know what I sell it for.

I also picked up a Allakhazam was busy or this item does not exist. Click to search again. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Rubellite Ring of Concentration for 5g and Bottomfeeder says it could be resold at 15g. Another risk worth taking, I figured.

Back In The Outlands - Fishing

I've run out of the stacks of Baked Salmon
Requires Level 45
Use: Restores 2148 health over 30 seconds. Must remain seated while eating.
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Baked Salmon that I've been using to feed my Hunter pet while farming Scarlet Monestary for Silk Cloth and +agi drops, so I finally ventured back into the Outlands with my 61 Hunter who had recently trained Fishing max level to 375.

Now I'm in Zangamarsh, in the Cenarion Refuge, pulling Barbed Gill Trout
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Barbed Gill Trout, Zangarian Sporefish
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Zangarian Sporefish and Spotted Feltail
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Spotted Feltail out of Umbrafen Lake, just out of reach of the Allakhazam was busy or this item does not exist. Click to search again. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Mire Hydra swimming around. I'll get a few stacks, cook 'em up and feed my pet the non-buff ones.

But for now, the human needs rest.