Trade Secretary: Privy Cork (A spam blocker for the Trade channel) (30400-0.1.02)

Change Log:
Trade Secretary: Privy Cork

Version: 30400-0.1.02

Date: 01-11-09

• Bug fix: syntax error preventing logging of pass/fail/total messages to trade

• New feature: If the same message text to trade has been seen before this session, other then the user's messages, it will be hidden.

• Update: If a message has the word 'anal' anywhere.. it is ignored

Trade Secretary: Privy Cork

A light, automatic spam blocker for the trade channel

Recent Changes and Important Information:

Version: 30400-0.1.02

Last update: 01-11-09

Requesting user feedback, and suggestions; do check if your suggestion is under "Future expansion, additions, planed features, etc " before you type it out, because it might already be in the works, unless you wish to expand on something listed there.

If you find a bug, please make sure it is not listed under "Caveats, Known Bugs, etc." before submitting a report

If anyone has any suggestions on how to make the code or documentation better, or would like to help develop the project, please contact me, email or IRC preferred.

Additional and more extensive instructions are provided in the documentation or the included ReadMe.

Updates: Point your browser to under "Trade Secretary: Privy Cork"

Note: This addon is based off of Funkydude's BadBoy. This addon is not meant as a replacement, merely a complement. Unlike BadBoy, the MO is not to stop gold spam, it is to stop spam that does not have a thing to do with trading.

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Brief Description:

Are you tired of the trade channel being used as the privy (toilet) of your realm? Well, look no further! The purpose of this mod is to block as much of the irrelevant trade chat as possible. For example, if a trade message 'WTS', 'WTB', an item link, or any of the other 'allowtriggers' (in PrivyCork.lua), it will not be hidden.

About the Name:

Why is this called "Trade Secretary: Privy Cork" you ask? Well, this version of "Trade Secretary" is to make it easier to keep track of who can craft what, and would be the next installment of a future suite that gives one a secretary for their trading, and other secretary-like activities whenever I happen to make them.


This mod currently has no way to set settings in-game. It is either enabled, or disabled. For the settings there are, you open PrivyCork.lua to set them.


The mod has tracking of how many times someone sends a message that fails or passes, yet the display mechanism for this is under construction

Feedback requested, but not limited to:

Any errors in the mod

Ease of use


After you decompress the file, copy the Trade Secretary: Privy Halt folder into your Interface/AddOns folder under your World of Warcraft Installation Directory.


Simply overwrite the old file with the new one! Make note of any changes you made to your allowtriggers, as you will need to add them again. Make sure to read the updated version for any other upgrade problems.

A note to my fellow authors:

If anyone wishes to use more then a few lines of my code, I request you credit me by saying, "This product includes software developed by MikeNGo and Funkydude" somewhere as a comment, or in your documentation. Also, you must follow Funkydude's requirement's for using BadBoy. I also hope that anyone who would take the time to read my code, would take the time to send me an e-mail of what you think, or what can otherwise be improved.

Caveats, Known Bugs, etc.:

Future expansion, additions, planed features, etc:

• Sister addon for BG chat

• An in-game toggle for the mod/settings

• Tracking GUI

About the Version Numbers:

Version: xxxxx-x.x.xx (-..)

Interface number: Version of the interface the addon was most recently updated for, this number and the version number have no linear relationship with the latter clauses.

Major version: When the mod evolves to a state that is vastly different from the first distribution of the prior major version, this will be updated.

Sub version: Whenever the mod has new features added, or many minor tweaks, this number might advance.

Current release: The current reversion of the sub version, changed every time a new version of the mod is submitted to World of

About the Author:

Macintosh operator

If you would like to talk to me, I hang out at In #norganna and #wowi-lounge, User Mike-N-Go.