Cash towards enchants for my Hunter, advances to 62
I finally bit the bullet and changed my weapons and added more Hunter-appropriate enchants to them in comparison to the last weapons I used. I used to have some Fel Iron Hatchet
Binds when equipped
68 - 127 DamageSpeed 2.00
(48.8 damage per second)
+8 Strength
Requires Level 61
Equip: Improves hit rating by 15.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Fel Iron Hatchet type axes which gave +strength, and then I had Firey weapon enchants on them. Wonderful for this "melee" stuff I'm trying to avoid as a Hunter.
I found some decent stuff in the Auction House that has +agility, and then I spent over 150g on Essence of Air
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Essence of Air and Large Brilliant Shard
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Large Brilliant Shards to go with my Greater Eternal Essence
Trade Goods
Use: Turn a greater eternal essence into three lesser ones.
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Greater Eternal Essence and Illusion Dust
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Illusion Dust so I could apply the +15 agility enchant to each weapon.
Afterwards, I went into the Scarlet Monestary and made a run-through to Herod, killing everything in my path. I can definitely see the difference in my ranged skill, and my melee skill has diminished quite noticably as well.
Then, Saturday morning when nobody in the guild was online to party up with, I brought my Hunter back into the Outlands (Zangarmarsh) and finished off a few quests, bringing my toon up to 62 finally. I went back to Grom'Gol Base Camp to train up my Hunter skills, then hearthed that toon back to Undercity for close proximity to the Silk Cloth
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Silk Cloth factory that is Scarlet Monestary.
Mage advances to 27
I've partied up with a few VERY casual players this weekend, and had some good experiences with it. It's nice to run into players who are independent, even if they're also inexperienced.
We completed some quests in the Hillsbrad area on my mage, and now he's up to level 27 with two new people on my 'friends' list for occasional parties in the future. I'm at the level where I can create 14 Conjured Water in a shot, but the water is way under what I need to quickly re-mana up.
One thing I did "discover" yesterday, however, thanks to one of my partymates who plays casually - Evocation is pretty darn cool! It's a spell with a 10 minute cooldown that super-charges your Spirit by 1500% for 8 seconds and thus recharges your mana really quickly. Very nice! I had seen the spell there but didn't realize just how nice it was for replenishing your mana after burning it all off. Three things I like about it other than the quick-mana restock:
It doesn't get interrupted if you get attacked
You can cast it in battle (frost nova, back off, evocation, back in action!)
The animation is cool ;)
Very nice.
Later on in the evening, a guild friend accompanied my mage through SFK and I got a couple of cloth gear upgrades and a couple of quests done. It's sure nice to have friends who are just as altaholic as you are, to trade quick dungeon runs with. I mean, I like going into a dungeon with level-appropriate people as well, and I don't mind dying as we do it, but it's just nice to be able to zip through with a single friend, and trade back the favor later in the week.
Priest advances to 23
My priest has been parked for long enough to get back to 100% rest bonus, and then parked for longer because I've been working on my mage, warrior and hunter toons the most. My guildmate friend who took my mage through SFK has a warrior toon coming up to the same level as the priest - so soon I'll be taking her out more and advancing her up more as well.
Last night I took her out for a run through of Wailing Caverns with the same guildmate who helped me through Shadowfang Keep. We picked up a level 19 hunter who was hanging around the WC entrance looking for a party to go in, as well. Thankfully, that worked out really well - even though his Fang set pieces didn't drop on the two bosses he was looking for, and even though he had already finished his quests, and even though we really didn't need him in order to sucessfully finish the entire dungeon, he stuck around right until the very end and said thank you and a bunch of positive things.
And of course, to last that long, he also passed the "loot tests" with flying colors:
greeded on the majority of things as he didn't need them for his own use
didn't complain when a valuable gem dropped and he didn't win it in the greed roll
asked before 'needing' on anything
rolled on chests, and
was generally greatful for what he was able to come out with during the run
Those are the types of folks I put onto my friends list and try to party up with for 30-60 minutes at a time a couple of times over the next couple weeks. Those are the types that I hope to eventually invite into the guild and have be a valuable member due to their independence and ability to be a part of a run running smoothly.
Now, the human needs to gather up some rest bonus of her own. Night all :)