Witch Elf combat why we are balanced

There are two main complaints about Witch Elves (and Witch Hunters too, for the opposite faction), and I thought I would go ahead and out line these and why they're invalid.

1) Witch Elves are overpowered.

2) Witch Elves are useless in RvR.

(1) This is invalid. Why? Because in 1v1 combat the Witch Elf is very good...in fact we can probably come out on top in nearly all 1v1 encounters. However, this game is not 1v1...its not 2v2...not by a long shot. Witch Elves are MUCH less effective in group combat than in 1v1, because they don't synergize well with other classes. Witch Elves are at their best in 1v1...unfortunately for the Witch Elf %26gt;99.9% of combat in WAR is group. With the huge degree of knockbacks and other CC, melee in general isn't as effective as ranged dps...and the ultra-squishy Witch Elf is easily dealt with by a competent group.

(2) Why is this ridiculous? Well, most Witch Elves are looking at the %26quot;damage done%26quot; column in the scenario list and complaining that they aren't up there with the Bright Wizards and Sorcerers. This isn't where a Witch Elf should be looking--they should be looking at the %26quot;killing blows%26quot; category.

Witch Elves should routinely get top killing blows in every scenario (along with Witch Hunters) if they're being played in the manner in which they were designed. This class is a hit n' run class in group combat. Its a class that goes in targeting the guy who's already 50% dead. You stealth in, finish this guy and get out quickly. If you go after the full health rune priest...hes going to out heal you before you can kill him...and then you'll get nuked down by his friends.

Bottom line friends, everything in PvP is pretty darn balanced in this game once you get T4 and start playing as a team. Melee are currently at a slight disadvantage due to the fact that EVERY ranged class has a knockback (this should be changed). Aside from this, seems like everything is working as intended.

My Witch Elf (who just hit T4...I rerolled from my 31 Chosen) routinely pulls down 10+ killing blows per scenario--even if my damage is much lower than those bright wizards and sorcerers. I'm fine with killing those targets which otherwise would have lived to pummel my friends--but pick and choose wisely, because its not 1v1 and you cannot just run up and kill someone in group combat.

Witch Elves can take my BW out so fast I barely have time to wonder what is happening. They seem to have a large amount of great abilities...

And... I dont want them nerfed, I recognise that I am supposed to be killed by other classes..often.

I hate WE's .... luckily I am mature enough to know thats doesnt equate to a need to nerf them.

WE kills BW

Immolation Spec BW kills all

Order rolls BW because of their abilities

Destruction should all roll WE to counter this.

A simplicistic thread stating the obvious.

Of course 99.99% won't get it anyway and will refute everything in 100 pages of cries.

2 We's that master the /tell, /sc or /wb command and stealth+work together can wreck havoc on the line of squishies in the back. They might not come back but you can be sure they are taking a few victims with em for sure.

Ofcourse the /tell, /sc and /wb abilities are pretty high up the %26quot;Cooperation Mentality Tree%26quot; and many WE don't spec up that tree. Most spec up the %26quot;IMANINJA PEWPEW Mentality tree%26quot;.

But yes they are very squishy in RvR .. but they can also drag true squishies down so quick its scary. But thats also as intended.

Speaking as a WH and BW I can tell you that in regards to point 1, yes they are OP. Either that or WH are UP. Even with Sever Nerve, 5 Accusations, Inquisition spec and a 2 level advantage I'm usually dead after I get I get Sever Nerve and an Execution off.

I tend to see the WE right before they attack, I pop off a Snap Shot and then settle in for the pain. Bear in mind with Blessed Bullets of Purity I'm getting heals for executions. None of this makes a difference in RvR, WE within 2 sometimes 3 levels will out DPS a WH any day of the week. Some may argue %26quot;Oh but WH can do executions at range!%26quot; True, but Trial by Fire the Inquisition specced execution, you have to be planted to fire (as of hotfix before last) not to mention a WE is never going to be %26quot;at range%26quot; when you are trying to do TbF, so most likely she'll get an interrupt. Unless every WE I've been slaughtered by that was 2 levels lower than me was twinked with all epic gear I think they might be a bit more powerful than they claim to be. Modesty is admirable though.

On to point 2. If you feel you are useless in RvR you are doing something wrong. I hate to give the enemy anymore of an advantage but on the off chance another WH is reading this I'll clue you in. Don't go off solo and try to gank a single player, it works only when you are certain he is alone and you can get in and out before help or vengeance arrives on the scene. Staying with the pack or even playing bodyguard to healers is not only helpful, it can get you a fair amount of kills. The other less renown-friendly, but nonetheless helpful tactic is to throw yourself haphazardly at a healer in the back of the pack. If you can drag it out long enough to get the attention of half the team or more healers it could be enough of a diversion to get your party to move up. Bear in mind this second tactic requires actual communication and if you are afraid of dying it's not conducive to staying on the right side of the dirt.

In all honesty I think the complaint you'll hear from the more knowledgable Order players isn't about how the WE's are OP, but how Order has no true melee DPS class. If WH was truly MDPS we wouldn't be gaining Ballistic Skill faster than Shadow Warriors, our gun is the gimmick that prevents our true MDPS title, just like the Lion is the White Lion's gimmick. The WE's gimmick is being a hot little elf chick that stabs your face off while you struggle to black her eye. Order needs 2 things, a substantial tank (KotBS) and a true MDPS (Slayer).

WE's are quite overpowered. There is no justification for a WE to have the amount of crowd control and survivability in RvR as they have now. And deal the amount of damage they do.

The damage alone is enough to say they should be tuned down. I was looking forward to a game where a mass amount of spike damage and crowd control would not dominate the game play. But this game is all about those things.

That's why you're not balanced. Each class is supposed to have certain archetypes they struggle with or lose to. Witch Elfs are supposed to lose to tank classes, but currently they can tear through them. You're supposed to be relatively equal to other Melee DPS, but you tear through them as well. The only classes you should have an advantage over are light armor, ranged DPS and healers.

That's what group balance is, you are weak to certain classes so you have group mates support you who are strong against your weakness. When you aren't weak against any class, something is wrong.

Yeah because we are never focus fired on and die in a blink of an eye....please

1v1 we are good but group play not so great and most of this game is group play