Has there been any word about improvements to the combat synch

in 1.1?

For me... this is by far the worst problem with this game. Everything else is just fluff. But the disconnect between the animated combat and whats %26quot;actually%26quot; going on makes this game very... frustrating? unfun? disconnecting? sometimes.

Has Mythic ever mentioned that this will receive attention?


Not to get off topic but, whereas the sky was not falling and we are usually NOT all going to die (in the immediate future,) the British were indeed coming.

Anyway, back on topic... really no word on getting the combat in synch? That makes me sad.

Actually i think they are done after the changes in late beta. Its better now but absolutely not good.

Really, its better now? What was it like before? Because this is easily the least responsive game Ive ever played..

3rd post you have made in under an hour claiming the game is dying. Get a life. Take your drama some where else. This game is not dying.

Having switched from ranged heals/dps (AM) to a WH, the synch problems with key press / animation / effect is very annoying and getting annoyinger (lol) every day. Basicially I'm fighting the system to play the game. The time will come when the enjoyment of playing will equal the frustration of unsynching and then of course I will not be p[l]aying.

Did I cast that spell? Is my morale really up? Am I being set back or am I totally interrupted? Where did that bolt come from? Oh.. I think I cast that... 10 seconds ago? Am i knocked down? Is the mob dead? It says dead... no its alive!

Frankly, anyone basically slinging mud or unproductive posting around needs to stop it.

There is a productive way to post negative feedback. Do it.

People need to learn to criticize with respect. Do this too.

I recall this topic being about the combat sync, not about the game in general and certainly not about complaining about complaining people.

Get back on topic, please.

Respectfully, the combat is quite out of synch; *please* synch it.

Lets be honest, there are different types of players Mythic is appealing to with this game:

1. The casuals who are going to play regardless.

2. The WoW crowd who will go back to wotlk because the pvp they were promised in this game is lacking at the moment, although some are just fed up they will stay with WAR.

3. The pvp crowd who were expecting something much better but instead find a game that caters more to the tastes of demographics 1 and 2, yet will actually be the backbone of the community if the game ever gets started (hopefully after January ish).

Altering the combat so its smooth and flows well, is a massive undertaking and if its possible (which I don't even think it is) it will take a very long time. For whatever reasons this game was rushed, is why it will never be as big as it should which is a crying shame as I was looking forwards to an MMO where a large pvp community could develope, with ladders and tournys etc. At the moment the market is ripe for this and Blizzard AND Mythic/EA KNOW THIS.

It may still happen with WAR, and I will definetely keep playing regardless (I see myself as demographic 3...)

WAR can be saved. We all know this. But how and if in enough time is up to Mythic/EA. I say again, the market is gagging for an MMO in which combat is not a joke, but by going for the karge scale war route Mythic (intentionally) targetted the casual players and people who wanted to PvP but were excluded for whatever reason with WoW, a game I have no experience with.

WAR will succeed as an MMO, that is a given, but if it succeeds as the MMO a lot of us thought it would be is a different story.

I was about to delete this and not post but I'll post it anyway and suffer the consequences.

HelStrom, I see your point, but, this post wast really about what appeals to different gamer demographics.

ANY gamer in ANY demographic should agree that the combat is simply out of synch... and much more so than in most (all?) other popular MMOs (never mind just regular MOs.)