Is there ANY point trying to tank in warhammer T4 ?

I'm wondering how other tanks feel about the uselessness of trying to act as a tank in tier 4.

It's a nightmare for me.

I'm full Vaul spec using a shield and the amount of damage Sorcs and WEs do to me is absolutely insane, I might as well be naked.

I'm not talking 1on1, both those classes are ok in 1v1 for me but 1v1 is meaningless.

I guess destro tanks feel the same about BWs but at least you don't have WEs to worry about too.

I try to protect healers, break groups up and generally annoy the enemy with cc and my low damage but what is the f*****g point if I go down in seconds if just 1 sorc and 1 WE are on me while I'm cced to oblivion.

It's also impossible to protect a healer from a WE, she just pops, knocks us over, kills him iand runs off laughing with me chasing like an idiot, if I do get a few hits in its just loldamage (WE squishy ? hahahaha).

Really, is the only option just to say screw it, spec for damage, use a 2 hander and play like an MDPS ?

It seems the only option left to me.

You think you drop fast now? Have fun without a shield.

I don't usually have a problem tanking in T4 unless Destro has a ton of sorc's and/or I don't get any heals.

you could grab some of the anger bladed rings from Bastion stair they give like 265 spirit and 160 corp resist you fill your slots with those should drop sorc to around 300-400 when they crit.

then grab 2 piece blood lord has 670 armor bonus on top of the armor on it , plus vauls buffer ishas buffer rugged and EA , thats what i do and i find it makes me really a pain in the to take down, yes you drop some wounds doing it but you take way less dmg and recieve more healing when you do get healed so it works out for the better.

With decent resists a caster cannot solo kill you. The damage you're taking is a combination of several WE's %26amp; BW's trying to focus fire you down. Maybe it's because nobody likes elves.

On my Rune Priest I much rather heal a 2her SM/IB than a snb. I don't know why I just see them actually making kills more. If BO or Chosen jumps on me and they have a s/b I just completely ignore them and go about my business keeping a simple hot on myself. Sure they'll knock me down, snare me ect. but it really doesn't bother me. When I see my health drop from 100% to 40% really fast, now that bothers me and I panic. Tanks (pure sword and board) in T4 sound nice on paper but they just don't do enough to actually make a difference. Damage and healing is king, it's what wins games and skirmishes, to kill players you need damage, and to not die you need heals and self mitigation.

Oh yeah, because every Eng/Magus is keen on being a riftbot and they have great other trees to choose from. Think before you post, genius

As a S%26amp;B, you are my worst nightmare ATM in T4. Using a 2-hander makes you MUCH, and I mean MUCH, easier to defeat.

You complain about survivability? Roll a WE and you'll unlock death tokens at the ToK you'd never even imagined existed.

Melee is rough. But I still love it.

The point about WEs is pretty stupid, whatever damage you're taking from them Dest tanks are getting from WHs minus like 5-10%.

Order tanks get blown away from Sorcs almost the same as BWs though. It's less instant and you won't get PwF on you, but it still ignores most of your resists and kills IBs and SMs in seconds.

Oh, so you say having a shield has no positive impact on your survivability? DoTs and DD then are all unblockable now?

Please, tell me more. I'm eager to listen to advice like yours.

Heh, I specially liked the %26quot;minus 5-10%%26quot;. Expert datamining going on.

ok on the point that keep seiges and defense is the same as scenarios, completely wrong....tanks are much more valuable on open world rvr....they are the bowling ball in the game of redneck bowling...the redneck throws the ball in to knock the pins down...while he uses his shotgun to do the real damage.