New Balance Issues Ruining this Game

Long story short: Very active Destro guild transferred from an inactive to active server. Most of our guild is in T3 and T4. We are now learning the hard way of just how unbalanced classes are at this level, specifically Bright Wizards.

Look, I know it has all been posted before and save the more posts etc, we know how to play. On average, out of 5 scenarious we win 1, and get completey owned in the other 4 by Order. By completely owned I mean getting camped at our rez point and still unable to push back Order. BW dots, AE's, WL's summon, game over.

What's the point Mythic?

In the meantime, our long term, loyal guild members are having serious concerns about the game and imbalances. We had such high hopes after transferring and getting into some fun RvR action but this imbalance in class strength and abilities is is not even close.

It has bascially gotten to a point we are mostly just farmed for reknown, with absolutley no chance of winning a scenario and Order walking away with a win and big fat bonus due to the rez kills.

All you need are few BW's, a few healers and it's an up hill battle. Throw in an Engineer with the cheasy group pull or WL pull in and then area of effect AE and its over. Rinse, repeat.

I am guessing Mythic thought it ok becuase overall Destruction had a population advantage over Order but how much is enough.

Is this how a game is supposed to be? What a complete let down. I wish this were about tactics, strategy or somethign else but it's not and this will ruin the game if not addressed promptly.

the reason you are losing is because you are bad, not because order had a few bw's.

this is ridiculous.

the hyperbole about bw's is never ending. there is a cult devoted to giving their tears to it.

the whole thing is disgusting me.

man up, play your class, enjoy the game, or quit it.

I dunno, from what I hear Destro is doing quite well in the overall war. I haven't heard of any raids on Destro forts or IE yet...

This is pure truth.

Order can claim the exact same thing about Dest owning them in scenarios. On my server it's kinda balanced, but Order generally gets owned in T4 scenarios. It comes down to player skill, gear, level and luck of the group make-up; that is all, nothing else. Classes are balanced enough that player skill compensates for slightly OP or UP classes.

I agree with your comments. Its overly old hearing BW whines day in and day out on this board. One thing that is right about this game is balance and for me that makes it dull. Not saying make classes OP but make level gains mean something substantially. You just dont get alot when you level up or at least it doesnt feel that way. My IB been virtually the same since level 10 and is 31 now. I have a BW as well and we die about as fast as we respawn. It's people who don't know how to play who yell about dieing to a ranged dps class. Send a WE in to make quick work of him if he is that big of a problem. They work on mine just fine. Can a sorc kill my IB? Yes if i allow them to.. Otherwise they are road kill if they get my attention in the slightest lol...

We all know how to play and like I said, I wish this were because we were bad players.

It is truly amazing how folks will argue that BW's are not game changers. Just because you have heard that Destro are rolling some folks here and there does not change what is happening.

IT IS AN IMBALANCE and needs to be fixed. If some of these self proclaimed elitists who think they are great players really want a challenge, then wouldn't you want a level playing field? Facts are the facts and this is not a whine post, just sharing a guild's real concerns. Spare the L2P posts, it addresses nothing and tries to skirt the issue.

There are quite a few dps classes.

Yet, in all the scenarios, 3 out of the top 5 DPS, when not 4/5 or 5/5 are BW

This tells me there is something that needs attention.

Pretending otherwise is pure denial.

I rolled a BW to figure it out, and was easily toping the DPS. Once you get the root it's all good. Destro melees get wacked before they even can do significant damage.

It's not player skill, it's actually easy to insta cast and run... 3 - 4 buttons class, great fun for a brainless run or two after work mind you.

Sorceress is good too, but doesn't dps as much as a BW for some reason, something with not debuffing their own damage?

Anyway the whole scenario situation is proving pretty lame up to T2, chain Norden or chain Mourkain (other scenarios take hours to pop on my server), all owned by the BW team 9 times out of 10.

Go roll a sorcerer and your experience will be the same.

If BW are overpowered it is due to a few utility abilities, not their DPS.

No Trollface, thanks for the troll post and bringing nothing to the table. I will continue to post real concerns in the hope they will be addressed so that this game improves.